宏觀經濟學關注整體社會經濟的動向,涵蓋經濟週期、國民生產總值及總體消費等的統計概念,以分析經濟規律。這些數據與證券市場有何關連?嶺大經濟學系客席副講師梁軒誠於「LingU講堂」中探討「宏觀經濟學數據與證券市場」。 Macroeconomics is about analysing the economics situation of society by tracing its statistical performance on inflation, GDP and total consumption. What is the relation between macroeconomics data and security market? Mr Leung Hin Shing, Visiting Assistant Lecturer of LU’s Department of Economics shares his views on “Macroeconomics Data and Security Market” in “LingU Online Mini-Lecture Series”.