明代女教書的刻印和傳播——以《大明仁孝皇后內訓》為例 The Printing and Dissemination of Books for Female Education in the Ming Dynasty: A Case Study of Daming Renxiao Huanghou Neixun

  • Fong Fong CHEN (Speaker)

Activity: Talks or PresentationsOther Invited Talks or Presentations


女教書是規範女子德行的書籍,自古多由儒士撰寫,明中葉後刊刻漸多。由女性撰寫的女教 書可見於漢、唐和明代。雖然明代帝后參與編撰女教書儼如政治傳統,但是於明清時期廣為流傳的《女四書》卻只收入明成祖之后仁孝皇后徐氏(1362–1407)的《內訓》。《內訓》或寫或刻,也被編入各種叢書中,由此可窺探此書的獨特性及影響。明成祖於永樂五年(1407)將徐皇后編 撰的《內訓》和《勸善》二書頒賜臣民,開創明皇室刊刻頒行善書的先例。本文以仁孝皇后之著作 為例,闡析帝后編撰典籍與社會風氣及刊刻潮流的關係,並探討《內訓》在日本及韓國的出版和傳 播。

Books for female education are teachings that regulate women’s moral conduct, authored by Confucian scholars from earlier times, with many more printed after the mid-Ming dynasty. Books for female education written by women were found in the Han, Tang and Ming dynasties. Although it appeared as if it was a political tradition for Ming emperors and empresses to participate in the compilation of books for female education, only Neixun (Household instructions) by Empress Renxiao (1362–1407), the empress to the Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty, was included in Nü Sishu (The book of four women), which was widely circulated during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Hand-copied or block-printed, Neixun was also included in various anthologies, testifying to its uniqueness and significance. In the fifth year of his reign (1407), Yongle Emperor bestowed to his subjects Neixun and Quanshan (Exhortations to promote good deeds), two books compiled by the Empress Renxiao, setting a precedent for the imperial family to print and issue morality books. Using Empress Renxiao’s work as a case study, this article analyses the relationship between books compiled by emperors and empresses, social customs and publishing trends, and discusses the publication and dissemination of Neixun in Japan and Korea.
Period27 Mar 2024
Event titleMing Court Publishing and Cultural Transmission 「明代內府出版及文化傳播」專題研討會
Event typeSymposium
LocationHong Kong, Hong KongShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInstitutional