用新經濟地理學理論的菱鏡來透視「一帶一路」倡議 = The Belt and Road Initiative: Viewing Through the Prism of New Economic Geography Theory

  • 魏向東 (Speaker)

Activity: Talks or PresentationsPublic Lecture


中國的「一帶一路」倡議得到了全球的關注。很多評論認為這更像是中國抗衡美國「回歸亞太」和「跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴關係協議」— 兩者被認為是美國試圖在政治及經濟上抑制中國掘起的政治而不是經濟策略。其他評論也提出質疑其主要目的是用於中國將其勞工密集型和容易造成污染的企業輸出去其它發展中國家和消化國內過剩產能。目前為止,鮮有人用經濟學的理論來很好的分析它對中國及世界經濟的潛在利益。講者將會嘗試用近25年才發展起來,並愈來愈獲得主流經濟學家注意的「新經濟地理理論」,來分析該倡議如何能促進世界經濟發展和幫助縮小貧富差距。講者的研究發現:和之前的全球化運動導致世界經濟愈來愈集中在幾個發達和新興的超級經濟體不同,這個倡議因為著重通過基建投資和降低貿易壁壘來實現互通而更有益於分散經濟活動,從而減低全球不同地區的收入不均。
China's Belt and Road Initiative has attracted a lot of attention around the world. Many critics comment that this is more a political than an economic endeavor of China to counteract American's "Pivot to Asia" strategy or "Trans-Pacific Partnership" free trade agreement, which are viewed to contain the rising power of China both politically and economically. Others also raise the question about that true purpose of this initiative: whether it is mainly used by China to dump its labour-intensive pollution prone manufacturing industries to other developing countries and to help digest the serious over-capacity of China's industrial sector. So far, few attempts have been made to use economic theories to analyze its potential economic benefits to China and the world economy properly. The speaker will intend to use the "new Economic Geography" theory --- a theory that has been developed only 25 years ago and starts to attract more and more attention from the main-stream economists in the recent years to explain what this initiative can do to foster the development of the world economy and help reduce income gaps between rich and poor. The analysis shows that unlike the previous globalization movement that has made the world economic activities more concentrated in a few mega economic powerhouses in the developed and emerging economies, this initiative helps to decentralize economic activities and hence reduce income gaps across different regions in the world due to its paramount emphasis on building a better connected world through infrastructure investment and reducing trade and cultural barriers.
Period18 Dec 2016
Held atResearch Grants Council (HKSAR), Hong Kong