How Service-Learning Promotes Intergenerational Harmony and Sustainable Partnership - A Case Study in a Science Course

Activity: Talks or PresentationsOther Invited Talks or Presentations


In this workshop, the results of a service-learning project between the Office of Service Learning and the Science Unit at Lingnan University together with Ocean Park will be shared. The Project is to investigate how inclusion of elders in a service-learning project facilitates open communication and reciprocal learning between different age groups, and whether it promotes intergenerational harmony beyond traditional goals of service-learning. This Project brings together traditional university students and elderly students from Lingnan University Elderly Academy Program directed by the Lingnan Institute of Further Education (LIFE). The intergenerational teams work together to transmit their new knowledge and educate Ocean Park visitors thereby fulfiling Ocean Park’s goal of enriching visitor experience, as well as promoting awareness of marine conservation and sustainability. The positive impacts of working with the community partner in service-learning and conducting intergenerational service-learning project will be shared in the workshop.
Period28 Oct 2019
Event titleCommunity of Practice for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education
Event typeSeminar
LocationHong Kong, Hong KongShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational