The dilemma of access, equity and equality in Malaysian higher education

  • Hamzah Nor BIN AEDY RAHMAN (Speaker)

Activity: Talks or PresentationsOther Invited Talks or Presentations


Mr Bin Aedy Rahman Hamzah Nor, a first year doctoral student in Sociology and Social Policy, shared his research into abstinence-sexuality education and sexual attitudes among young people in Kuala Lumpur. Noting that there are 88,000 people living with HIV in Malaysia, and teenage pregnancies average about 18,000 each year, Bin Aedy discussed whether comprehensive sex education would be beneficial.
Period20 Nov 2020
Event titleDoctoral Student Policy Studies Seminar Series
Event typeSeminar
OrganisersInstitute of Policy Studies, School of Graduate Studies
LocationHong KongShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInstitutional