港青有心入灣 又驚「水土不服」 逾半看好前景 近七成憂薪稅及好工難尋 Young people in Hong Kong would consider working in the Greater Bay Area but worry about the adaptation problems. More than half of the respondents are optimistic about the prospects of the Greater Bay Area. Nearly 70% express concern about salary level, tax rate and the job market

Press/Media: Research / Knowledge Transfer

Period19 May 2019

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • Title港青有心入灣 又驚「水土不服」 逾半看好前景 近七成憂薪稅及好工難尋
    Degree of recognitionLocal
    Media name/outletWen Wei Po
    Media typePrint
    Country/TerritoryHong Kong
    DescriptionNews report covering the press conference of the establishment of the “Joint Research Centre for Greater Bay Area-Social Policy and Governance”. The result of the surveys on Youth and University Students’ Perceptions on Development Opportunities in the Greater Bay Area is also reported in the coverage
    PersonsKa Ho Joshua MOK