粵語妙趣多四:發脾氣‧動肝火有得解?嬲怒關脾臟肝臟事?中文系講師話你知 Fun Cantonese slangs: Lecturer of the Department of Chinese talks about the relationship between bad temper and the health of spleen and liver

  • Yan Ho SIU

Press/Media: Research / Knowledge Transfer

Period24 May 2019

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • Title粵語妙趣多四:發脾氣‧動肝火有得解?嬲怒關脾臟肝臟事?中文系講師話你知
    Degree of recognitionLocal
    Media name/outletMing Pao Daily News
    Media typePrint
    Country/TerritoryHong Kong
    DescriptionWith comments by Dr SIU Yan-Ho, Lecturer of Department of Chinese
    PersonsYan Ho SIU