Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 924 results
Search results
(Non-LU) Culture, language competence and mental health literacy: A qualitative study
LEUNG, A. Y. M. (PI), LAI, D. W. L. (CoPI), AMOAH, P. A. (CoI) & CHAN, K. (CoI)
1/12/19 → 31/05/21
Project: Non-LU Projects
Study on the Conservation Status of Platysternon megacephalum in Hong Kong
SUNG, Y. H. (PI)
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (HKSAR)
20/11/19 → 19/05/21
Project: Contract Research
Provision of Professional Development Programmes on Literature in English Learning and Teaching for the 2019/20 School Year
18/11/19 → 25/09/20
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
Study on the Genetic Provenance of Elaphe taeniura in Hong Kong
SUNG, Y. H. (PI)
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (HKSAR)
8/11/19 → 7/05/21
Project: Contract Research
Smart Toilet: An AIoT Based Predictive Maintenance Solution
SEE-TO, W. K. E. (PI), WONG, M. L. (CoI), WONG, P. Y. P. (CoI) & HO, W. R. (CoI)
Innovation and Technology Commission - Hong Kong
1/10/19 → 31/03/21
Project: Grant Research
A Study on the Quality of Translation of the News-related Blogs
BAI, L. (PI)
1/10/19 → 1/03/22
Project: Grant Research
A data-driven approach to strengthening trade enforcement of turtles
SUNG, Y. H. (PI)
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation (Hong Kong)
1/09/19 → 30/09/21
Project: Contract Research
Multi-Player Allocations in the Presence of Diminishing Marginal Contributions: Cooperative Game Analysis and Applications in Management Science
1/09/19 → 31/08/21
Project: Grant Research
Path Dependence, Backtracking, and Evolution
23/08/19 → 31/01/21
Project: Grant Research
Privacy Challenges and Big Data in Smart City
IP, I. C. (PI), FU, K. W. (CoI), LEUNG, K. C. (CoI) & LEUNG, Y. M. L. (CoI)
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (HKSAR)
15/08/19 → 14/11/20
Project: Grant Research
Affective Bias in Memory Processes Associated with Depression
LO, C. Y. (PI)
1/08/19 → 31/07/21
Project: Grant Research
Confidence Judgments Amid Uncertainty: A Comparison between Local vs Global Uncertainty
LEE, A. (PI)
1/08/19 → 30/06/21
Project: Grant Research
Policy and Industry Renewal in Hong Kong Film
YEH, E. (PI)
1/07/19 → 31/08/21
Project: Other External Research
One Country, Diverse Employment Systems: Measuring Employment Regulations in Sub-national China Based on Employment Protection Legislation Index (EPLI)
MOK, K. H. J. (PI)
1/07/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Other External Research
The Validity of the First-order Approach in Principal-Agent Problems with Nonseparable Preferences
LI, J. (PI)
1/07/19 → 30/06/21
Project: Other External Research
(Non-LU) The Modernist Public Markets in Hong Kong
TSUI, C. M. C. (PI)
1/07/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Non-LU Projects
Expanding Hong Kong People's Space: Promoting cross-border employment and entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area
HUANG, G. (PI) & CHEUNG, O. W. J. (CoI)
15/06/19 → 14/06/22
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Building Inclusive Workplaces for Lesbian and Bisexual Women in Hong Kong's Financial Services Industry
TANG, T. S. D. (PI)
15/06/19 → 31/12/20
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Contextualizing discourses of sexual violence: Perpetrator's perspectives
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI)
15/06/19 → 14/12/21
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Transgelism: Promoting the Concept and Good Practices of Chinese-English Translation in Chinese-speaking Communities
HUI, T. Y. I. (PI), LUNG, R. (CoI), LIANG, W.-C. (CoI), CHEUNG, Y. K. (CoI), TANG, K. L. (CoI) & TONG, M. J. (CoI)
10/06/19 → 9/06/21
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Urbanizing Camel: Peking Camels, 1800-1950
10/06/19 → 10/12/20
Project: Other External Research
International Routes of Air Cargo and Exports: A Case Study of High Technology Product Exports in China
CHOW, K. W. C. (PI)
1/06/19 → 31/05/21
Project: Other External Research
Fine particulate matter pollution from incense burning at temples in Hong Kong
WONG, P. Y. P. (PI)
Environment and Conservation Fund (HKSAR)
1/06/19 → 31/10/21
Project: Grant Research
Stage and Screen Drama for a Post-socialist, Post-democratic Age
1/05/19 → 30/04/20
Project: Other External Research
Series of Opinion Surveys on Hong Kong Citizens' Perceptions and Evaluations on Development Opportunities and Challenges in the Greater Bay Area in China
HUANG, G. (PI), MOK, K. H. J. (CoI), JIANG, J. (CoI), LI, X. (CoI), WANG, Z. (CoI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI), FORREST, R. (CoI) & ZHOU, W. (CoI)
LU Research Committee, South China University of Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University
8/04/19 → 7/01/21
Project: Grant Research
How Leadership Enables Entrepreneurial Opportunity Development: Joint Effects of Shared Ambidextrous Leadership and Founder's Servant Leadership
1/04/19 → 31/03/21
Project: Grant Research
Big Data-based Identification and Mapping of Temporal Dynamics of Industrial Clusters (LU Part)
Office for National Statistics
1/04/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Grant Research
Ideas for Sale: The Effect of Online Videos on the Campaign Performance of Crowdfunding
CUI, G. (PI)
1/03/19 → 30/06/21
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) U.S. Propaganda and the Cultural Cold War in Asia
LEE, S. J. (PI)
1/03/19 → 28/02/22
Project: Non-LU Projects
File -
Consumers' Use of Multiple Cues as Quality Signals in Online Shopping Environments
1/03/19 → 31/08/20
Project: Grant Research
The Massification of Higher Education and Changing Labour Markets in Urban China: A Pilot Study of Graduate Employment from 2003 to 2015
1/03/19 → 31/05/20
Project: Grant Research
Comparison of gut microbiota of wild and captive turtles (Visitor: DING Li, Hainan Normal University)
25/02/19 → 24/08/19
Project: Not Applicable
An Investigation of Work-related Smartphone Use after Work Hours and Its Impact on Employees' Occupational Well-being
1/02/19 → 31/07/20
Project: Grant Research
Insights into Turtle Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution through Comparing the Gut Microbiome of Wild and Captive Individuals
FONG, J. (PI) & DING, L. (CoI)
1/02/19 → 31/01/20
Project: Grant Research
The Investigation of Consumer-Generated Reviews of Credence Product
CHEN, Y. J. (PI)
1/02/19 → 31/01/21
Project: Grant Research
LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), WONG, M. L. (CoI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI), HO, W. R. (CoI), WONG, H. K. A. (CoI) & WEN, Z. V. (CoI)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
21/01/19 → 20/10/22
Project: Grant Research
Employee Job Crafting and Creativity at the Individual Level: A Comparison of Hong Kong and China
SIU, O. L. (PI) & WANG, H. (CoI)
2/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Grant Research
Optimal Insurance Product Mix and An Equilibrium Framework for Health and Mortality Immunization
GAO, J. (PI)
2/01/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Grant Research
Art as intervention in serving child victims of family violence : a parent-child art therapy approach
LAW, S. M. S. (PI)
Jean C. K. Ho Family Foundation
1/01/19 → 8/01/21
Project: Grant Research
Influence of Environmental and Sociodemographic Factors on Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (OCHA) Cases
WONG, P. Y. P. (PI)
1/01/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Grant Research
Proof of Concept - Demonstrating the Ability to Import CITES-protected Species to Hong Kong and USA
FONG, J. (PI), SUNG, Y. H. (CoI) & FUJITA, M. K. (CoI)
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Public administration research and real-world problems: Topic modelling the changing landscape ( 公共行政研究與現實問題:以主題建模方法檢測改變狀況)
1/01/19 → 30/06/22
Project: Non-LU Projects
Matters of Empires: Economic Thought and Material Imagination in Early China
LEUNG, V. S. H. (PI)
1/01/19 → 31/12/20
Project: Grant Research
Capital Goods, Intermediate Goods and Gains from International Sourcing: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms (LU Part)
ZHANG, H. (PI) & QIU, D. L. (CoI)
1/01/19 → 30/06/21
Project: Grant Research
International Mega-Events in Hong Kong SAR: A Mean of Projecting China's Soft Power?
CHU, P. (PI)
1/01/19 → 30/06/20
Project: Grant Research