Projects per year
- 200 - 250 out of 309 results
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Rethinking Auditory Alarms (LU Part)
LI, Y. W. S. (PI), LOEB, R. G. (CoI) & SANDERSON, P. M. (CoI)
1/06/17 → 15/08/20
Project: Grant Research
Hong Kong’s Roles in International Relations: Lessons from Singapore
1/06/17 → 31/10/17
Project: Grant Research
Economic Impacts of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on Malaysia
VOON, J. P. T. (PI)
1/06/17 → 30/09/18
Project: Grant Research
Theme-based Public Lecture: China's Belt and Road Initiative: New opportunities and related future action program for Asia
WEI, X. (PI)
University Grants Committee (HKSAR)
6/03/17 → 19/10/17
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Can We Deliberate? A Case Study of Mediated Deliberation on the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong
TAM, W. K. (PI)
1/03/17 → 31/08/18
Project: Grant Research
An Investigation of Workplace Sexual Harassment Experience among New Chinese Female Migrants
CHEUNG, Y. L. F. (PI), CHAN, H. N. A. (CoI) & LUN, M. C. V. (CoI)
1/03/17 → 31/05/18
Project: Grant Research
One Belt One Road: China's Motives and Hong Kong's Roles
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (HKSAR)
1/03/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Grant Research
Geo-strategic and Economic Implications for South Asia of China's Maritime Silk Road Initiative
1/03/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Grant Research
Currency Unions, Exchange Rate Volatility, and Trade: An experimental Investigation into the Consequences of Exchange Rate Regine Choice
1/03/17 → 30/06/18
Project: Grant Research
A study on knowledge and victimization experience of sexual harassment in the service industries: Comparing recent female Mainland Chinese immigrants with locally-born women
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI)
Equal Opportunities Commission (HKSAR)
9/01/17 → 8/01/18
Project: Contract Research
A Study of Contracting Out Social Services and Changing Welfare Governance in China (政府購買服務與轉變中的中國福利治理研究)
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), CHAN, C. K. D. (PI) & NGOK, K. L. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/17 → 30/06/19
Project: Grant Research
Transnational Transformations? How Transient Migration Shapes Intimate and Family Relations of Transnational Professionals in Hong Kong (非定居跨國移民對專業人士的親密和家庭關係之影響)
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI) & CHOI, W. Y. K. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Grant Research
Historical Justice and Reconciliation: Dealing with Japan's Occupation in Korea (歷史正義與和解:處理與日本的職業在韓國)
DAVID, R. (PI), YEUNG, W. L. V. (CoI) & PARK, J. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Grant Research
Academic Conference & International Forum on China's Belt and Road Initiative: Recent Policy Development and Responses from Other Countries
WEI, X. (PI)
Sunbase International (Holdings) Ltd
8/11/16 → 3/12/16
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
2016 Korean Peninsula Forum
Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
1/11/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Apologies and Denials: Dealing with Japan's Occupation in Korea
DAVID, R. (PI), PARK, J. (CoI) & YEUNG, W. L. V. (CoI)
1/09/16 → 31/08/19
Project: Grant Research
Hannah Arendt and the Modern University: A Critical Enquiry
1/07/16 → 1/06/18
Project: Grant Research
Hong Kong Non-Governmental Welfare Organisations in Mainland China: Services, Challenges and Opportunities
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI) & NGOK, K. L. (CoI)
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (HKSAR)
1/07/16 → 31/03/18
Project: Grant Research
Side Effect of the Pursuit of Happiness: How and When Lay-theory of Positive Thinking Predicts Depression Stigma
LUN, M. C. V. (PI) & YEUNG, C. J. (CoI)
1/07/16 → 1/11/17
Project: Grant Research
User Acceptance of Smartphone Virtual Assistants Offering Task Resumption Support
YEUNG, W. L. (PI) & LI, Y. W. S. (CoI)
1/07/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Grant Research
Promoting effective e-learning modes in schools of Mainland China and Hong Kong
WEI, X. (PI)
1/06/16 → 31/08/16
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Mainstreaming gender mainstreaming: Engaging stakeholders and the community
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI)
1/06/16 → 31/05/17
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Emotional Labor: A Latent Transition Profile Analysis
CHEUNG, Y. L. F. (PI) & LUN, M. C. V. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 30/06/18
Project: Grant Research
How Wearable Accessories Affect User Awareness and Responsiveness Against Smartphone Notifications: An Empirical Study
YEUNG, W. L. (PI) & LI, Y. W. S. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 28/02/18
Project: Grant Research
Examining the Job-hopping Behaviour and Turnover Decision-making Among Young Employees in Hong Kong
LUN, M. C. V. (PI) & YUEN, S. H. S. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 1/02/17
Project: Grant Research
Monitoring Multiple Patients with Auditory Displays: the Effectiveness of Earcons and Spearcons
LI, Y. W. S. (PI) & SANDERSON, P. M. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Grant Research
Contracting Out Social Services and Changing Welfare Governance: The Case of Pearl River Delta
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI) & NGOK, K. L. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 30/06/17
Project: Grant Research
Optimism and Employability as a Moderators between Job Insecurity and Job Outcomes among Casino Employees in Macau
CHEUNG, Y. L. F. (PI), Chi (Cindia), L. C. (CoI) & WU, M. S. A. (CoI)
1/03/16 → 1/03/17
Project: Grant Research
Testing a Theoretical Model on Incivility Linking Burnout, Cognitive Errors, and Innovative Work Behaviour
SIU, O. L. (PI)
1/03/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Grant Research
Irrigation Access and the Effect of Weather Index Insurance: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia
WONG, H. L. A. (PI)
1/03/16 → 28/02/18
Project: Grant Research
Attitudes toward Top Incomes in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the United States (香港,中國及美國民眾對當地最高收入的看法)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/16 → 31/10/17
Project: Grant Research
The Precebo Effect: A Psychological Illusion by Mere Possession
YEUNG, W. L. V. (PI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/16 → 30/06/16
Project: Grant Research
Competition, Patent Protection and Innovation (競爭,專利保護和創新)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Grant Research
Remedying Education through Information Technology and Teacher Incentives: An Experimental Study in Rural China (通過資訊技術與教師激勵來增進中國農村的教育水準)
FAN, C. Z. S. (PI), MACHIN, S. (CoI) & VIARENGO, M. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Grant Research
Frontier City: Place, belonging and community in contemporary Shenzhen (前沿城市:當代深圳的地域,歸屬感與社區)
FORREST, R. (PI) & YIP, N. M. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/16 → 31/12/18
Project: Grant Research
Training Course for Teachers on "Effective Strategies for Managing Students' Challenging Behaviour: A Psychological Approach" for the 2015/16 School Year
SIU, O. L. (PI)
25/11/15 → 31/10/16
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
A joint Lingnan University-ROK Consulate conference
Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
1/11/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
The Cost Effectiveness of Integrating Weather Index Agricultural Insurance into the Productive Safety net Program in Ethiopia
NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development
1/10/15 → 30/04/18
Project: Contract Research
The Precebo Effect of Pain Using the Cold Pressor Task
YEUNG, W. L. V. (PI)
1/09/15 → 28/02/18
Project: Grant Research
Political Polarization in Hong Kong: From the Perspective of Social Media (Political Blogs)
TAM, W. K. (PI)
1/07/15 → 30/04/17
Project: Grant Research
The Psychological Effect of a Small-scale Garden Installed in the Windows or Balcony of Buildings in Hong Kong
YEUNG, W. L. V. (PI) & SHOJAI, A. (CoI)
1/07/15 → 31/12/17
Project: Grant Research
Understanding and mitigating maintenance errors in aviation - a pilot project for industrial collaboration
LI, Y. W. S. (PI)
15/06/15 → 14/12/16
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
De-ethnicising Community Development and Diaspora Identities: A Case Study of the Korean Diaspora in Northeast China
1/05/15 → 15/08/15
Project: Grant Research
Etiquette in Using Smartphones and Its Safety Implications in Hong Kong
LI, Y. W. S. (PI), CHEUNG, Y. L. F. (CoI) & LUN, M. C. V. (CoI)
1/04/15 → 30/09/17
Project: Grant Research
Chinese State and Popular Nationalisms towards North Korea in the New Era of Leadership Change
CHAN, C. P. (PI) & BRIDGES, B. J. E. (CoI)
1/04/15 → 31/10/16
Project: Grant Research
Provision of Services for a Training Course for Teachers on "Effective Strategies for Managing Students' Challenging Behaviour: A Psychological Approach"
SIU, O. L. (PI)
2/03/15 → 31/08/16
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
Familial Harmony under the Umbrella Movement: An Investigation of the Intergenerational Conflict and Harmony Behaviors in Hong Kong
CHEUNG, Y. L. F. (PI) & LUN, M. C. V. (CoI)
1/03/15 → 29/02/16
Project: Grant Research
Behavioural Peer Effects in Classrooms: Experimental Evidence from Randomizing Seating Arrangements in Rural China
FAN, C. Z. S. (PI)
1/03/15 → 29/02/16
Project: Grant Research
A Study on the Types of Singlehood and Corresponding Conditions of Being Single in Hong Kong
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI)
1/03/15 → 31/08/16
Project: Grant Research