Projects per year
- 450 - 500 out of 1,609 results
Search results
Uncover the underground – Distribution and population status of endemic blind snakes and Bogadek’s burrowing lizards
SUNG, Y. H. (PI) & FONG, J. (CoI)
Environment and Conservation Fund (HKSAR)
1/08/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Grant Research
Research and Publication on the Items of the “Representative List of the ICH of Hong Kong” under Partnership Projects 2019
LAU, C. P. (PI)
Leisure and Cultural Services Department (HKSAR)
1/08/20 → 31/07/23
Project: Grant Research
Geography and Geographers in China, 1909-1952
15/07/20 → 14/07/22
Project: Grant Research
Spatial associations between incense-burning temples and mortality in Hong Kong
WONG, P. Y. P. (PI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Grant Research
Game-Theoretic Analyses of Strategic Pricing Decision Problems in Supply Chains
1/07/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Gender Bias in Creativity Idea Evaluations
WANG, N. (PI) & LIAO, Z. (CoI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Financial Education and Accrual Mispricing-Evidence from a Field Experiment
WONG, M. L. S. (PI) & ZHAO, X. (CoI)
1/07/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Sex and Sensitivity: Understanding the Needs for Culturally Sensitive Sexuality Education in Hong Kong
LAI, Y. S. R. (PI) & ARAT, G. (CoI)
30/06/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Grant Research
Harmony No Longer? Hong Kong Families under the Anti-Extradition
LAI, Y. S. R. (PI), CHIU, T. Y. J. (CoI) & CHOI, Y. P. S. (CoI)
15/06/20 → 15/09/21
Project: Grant Research
Establishing an affordable, accessible solution to the water challenges in developing countries
1/06/20 → 31/05/22
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Doctor and Nurses
CHEN, Y. N. (PI) & WANG, N. (CoI)
1/06/20 → 15/08/21
Project: Grant Research
Transferring Knowledge based on Personalized Vocabulary Learning System based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques
XIE, H. (PI), WONG, M. L. (CoI) & ZOU, D. (CoI)
1/06/20 → 30/11/22
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
If Gender-looks Could Sell: Assessing the Impact of Sex-typed and Androgynous Looks on Product Sales of Online Sellers
CUI, G. (PI)
1/06/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Multiculturalism with Hong Kong Characteristics
ARAT, G. (PI) & Kerelian, N. N. (CoI)
1/06/20 → 14/11/20
Project: Grant Research
I Own therefore I Can: Efficacy-based Mere Ownership Effect
YEUNG, W. L. V. (PI)
2/05/20 → 1/05/22
Project: Grant Research
PLASTIC CIRCULARITY: Online education materials for youth (Form 1 to Form 3) to learn the negative impact of plastic to the environment, and also the concept of circular economy
WONG, P. Y. P. (PI)
1/05/20 → 30/04/21
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Market value survey of endangered species
SUNG, Y. H. (PI)
1/04/20 → 30/09/20
Project: Contract Research
Women's Political Representation under Undemocratic Regimes: The Case of Macau's Legislative Assembly
TAM, W. K. (PI)
1/04/20 → 30/10/21
Project: Grant Research
Comparing the Effects of Self-help Interventions with Self-Compassion versus Self-direction focuses
LUN, M. C. V. (PI) & YEUNG, C. (CoI)
1/04/20 → 28/02/21
Project: Grant Research
From Bonding to Bridging: Building Social Cohesion between Mainland Talents and Hong Kong Professionals
WEN, Z. V. (PI)
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (HKSAR)
20/03/20 → 19/10/20
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Knowledge Illusion, Community of Knowledge and Citizens’ Extreme Attitudes in Politics and Public Policy
WALKER, R. M. (PI) & CHENG, E. (CoI)
20/03/20 → 19/10/20
Project: Non-LU Projects
Organisation of Study Tours to Suzhou and Chongqing
LAU, C. P. (PI)
12/03/20 → 28/02/24
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
Payment and Power: How the Action of Payment Produces Perceptions of Agency
CAO, C. C. (PI), HUANG, L. (CoI) & LEE, L. (CoI)
2/03/20 → 1/02/22
Project: Grant Research
Moderating Effect of Corporate Governance on Wealth and Risk Attitudes
CHEN, Y. N. (PI), HUI, S. K. (CoI) & YU, S. (CoI)
2/03/20 → 1/03/22
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Developing and Testing a Behavioural Theory of Performance Information Use for Hong Kong: Experimental Evidence on Cognitive Bias
1/03/20 → 8/06/21
Project: Non-LU Projects
Human-robot interaction design
HUI, W. Y. W. (PI)
1/02/20 → 31/07/21
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
Proactive Personality Congruence in a Co-leading Situation
WANG, N. (PI) & CHEN, Y. N. (CoI)
1/02/20 → 31/07/23
Project: Grant Research
Measuring Employees' Perceived Threat of Automation: A Scale Validation
ROLL, L. C. (PI), SIU, O. L. (CoI) & DE WITTE, H. (CoI)
1/02/20 → 22/08/20
Project: Grant Research
Investigation of Online Review for Credence Service Provider
CHEN, Y. J. (PI)
1/02/20 → 31/01/22
Project: Grant Research
Changing Living Arrangement of Young Adults in Hong Kong over the Last 25 years: A Time-trend analysis of Census Data
16/01/20 → 15/08/20
Project: Grant Research
Health Literacy, Social Capital and Health-related Quality of Life among Older Persons in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Study
AMOAH, P. A. (PI), TANG, M. Y. V. (CoI) & PHILLIPS, D. R. (CoI)
16/01/20 → 15/01/22
Project: Grant Research
Ageing in Place: Students' Participation and Research Project
CHAN, C. K. D. (PI) & TANG, M. Y. V. (CoPI)
3/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Grant Research
In a Search for an Innovation Collaboration with the Employers - A New Direction for the Employment Services for the South Asians in Hong Kong
LEUNG, Y. M. L. (PI)
3/01/20 → 2/09/20
Project: Contract Research
Care for Carers: Intergenerational Services and Research Project
CHAN, C. K. D. (PI) & TANG, M. Y. V. (CoPI)
3/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Grant Research
Students and Happy Ageing with Chinese Medicine Project
CHAN, C. K. D. (PI), TANG, M. Y. V. (CoI) & LEUNG, W. N. A. (CoI)
2/01/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
The Caregiving Burden and Support Needs of Older Carers in Jiangmen City
CHAN, C. K. D. (PI) & TANG, M. Y. V. (CoI)
2/01/20 → 30/06/21
Project: Grant Research
Conservation genomics of two endangered Hong Kong turtles—the big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) and Beal’s eyed turtle (Sacalia bealei) (香港兩種瀕危龜類的保育基因組學研究 - 大頭龜(Platysternon megacephalum) 及眼斑水龜 (Sacalia bealei) )
FONG, J. (PI), FUJITA, M. K. (CoI) & SUNG, Y. H. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Grant Research
When AI Meets TCM: Neural Machine Translating Traditional Chinese Medicine Texts (當人工智能遇見傳統中醫:以神經機器翻譯系統翻譯中醫文本)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Grant Research
Dynamic Customer Segmentation: A Factorial Hidden Markov Approach
LI, Y. (PI), CHEN, X. (CoI) & CHANG, J. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Grant Research
Disruptive Innovation, Gender Differences, and Real Estate Agency
WANG, Y. L. (PI)
1/01/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Customers’ Inventory Turnovers and Suppliers’ Inventory Investment Efficiencies (顧客庫存周轉率與供應商庫存投資效率)
WEI, L. (PI), LIU, L. (CoI), FOK, C. K. (CoI) & KIM, J. B. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/20 → 30/06/22
Project: Grant Research
Auditory displays for anaesthetists: preliminary laboratory testing of earcons and spearcons for preattentive effectiveness (麻醉師的聽覺顯示器:初步實驗測試earcons 和spearcons的預先注意效能)
LEE, A. (PI), LI, Y. W. S. (CoI), SANDERSON, P. M. (CoI), LOEB, R. G. (CoI) & CHENG, C. P. B. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Grant Research
Intelligent Ultra High Definition Video Encoder Optimization for Future Versatile Video Coding (用于未来多功能视频编码的智能超高清视频编码器优化)
KWONG, S. T. W. (PI), ZHOU, M. (CoI), KUO, C.-C. J. (CoI) & WANG, S. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Grant Research