Projects per year
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Navigating Urban Landscapes: An In-depth Investigation into Citywalk Behaviours and their Impact on Young Adults in China
LI, T. E. (PI)
LU Research Committee, LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/04/24 → 18/12/24
Project: Grant Research
Train the trainers – Developing a practical handbook to inform systematic and comprehensive capacity building for university residential tutors
CHENG, W. T. M. (PI)
1/01/24 → 29/07/24
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
School children’s happiness, life education and mental health in Hong Kong and Shenzhen (香港及深圳學童快樂指數、生命教育與心理健康促進研究)
LAU, K. W. M. (PI), HO, L. S. (CoI) & ZHAO, M. H. (CoPI)
1/07/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Grant Research
Longitudinal impact of green space on older adults’ health and wellbeing: a case study in Guangdong (城市绿色空间组织模式对老年人健康福祉影响的纵向研究:以广东省为例)
SHI, C. (PI), WANG, Q. V. (CoI) & LIU, Z. (CoPI)
1/07/23 → 30/06/24
Project: Grant Research
Looking back at UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awardees and non-recipients: Review of heritage conservation cases from an IAD lens
CHUA, M. H. Y. (PI) & YAU, Y. (CoI)
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/06/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Grant Research
Developing positioning strategies for Hong Kong-mainland joint universities: A case study of S university
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/06/23 → 30/05/24
Project: Grant Research
Caregiving and care expectation of older adults in rural and urban China: a mixed-method study
SHI, C. (PI)
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/05/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Grant Research
Spatial interaction and spread of COVID-19 through transportation network: A study of Hong Kong
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/04/23 → 31/03/24
Project: Grant Research
Socioeconomic Status and Achievement Emotions in Writing Classrooms: Roles of Writing Self-Concept and Teacher Support
LU Research Committee, LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/04/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Grant Research
The Challenges and Opportunities of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Development: Case study of Hong Kong
CHAN, T. H. E. (PI)
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/04/23 → 1/04/24
Project: Grant Research
The ageing body and reproduction of femininity and masculinity in later-life tourism: A case study of Chinese older adults
LI, T. E. (PI)
LU Research Committee (Dept/Unit)
1/04/23 → 30/09/24
Project: Grant Research
Virtual reality-based mindfulness training for university students: A pilot randomized control trial
WANG, Q. V. (PI)
1/03/23 → 1/05/24
Project: Grant Research
Production Restructuring in the Digital Era: A Study of Live-streaming Industry in China
CHAN, Y. T. D. (PI)
1/02/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Grant Research
Interplay of acculturation processes, social capital, health literacy and psychological well-being of African Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Hong Kong
AMOAH, P. A. (PI) & AMEYAW, E. K. (CoI)
1/02/23 → 31/01/25
Project: Grant Research
Falling off the Housing Ladder? A Study of the Housing Careers of Inadequate Housing Residents in Hong Kong
YAU, Y. (PI)
1/01/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Grant Research
COVID-19 related stigma: From photos to real life experience
WANG, Q. V. (PI)
1/11/22 → 30/09/23
Project: Grant Research
Towards a Model of Sustainable Management of Country Park Enclaves in Hong Kong
YAU, Y. (PI), HUNG, H. (CoI) & CHUA, M. H. Y. (CoI)
1/06/22 → 31/05/24
Project: Grant Research
An agential perspective towards the connectivity in global science space: The case of mainland Chinese and Turkish scientific connectivity
3/01/22 → 30/12/22
Project: Grant Research
From Public Conscience to Online Celebrities: Stigmatization and the Changing Role of Public Intellectuals in China
1/01/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Attractions and Hurdles of Retiring in the Greater Bay Area in the Post-pandemic Period: Investigating How the Choice of Cross Border Retirement will be Affected by the Portability of Public Benefits and Social Support Network
CHOW, W. S. N. (PI), WONG, G. H. Y. (CoI), CHAN, W. K. (CoI) & SHI, C. (CoI)
22/11/21 → 21/10/22
Project: Non-LU Projects
COVID-19 Supplement of Children’s Worlds: The International Survey of Children’s Well-being
KÜHNER, S. (PI) & LAU, K. W. M. (CoI)
15/03/21 → 30/01/22
Project: Grant Research
Anti-social Behavior and Social Disorganization in Housing Communities: A Spatial Multi-level Study in Hong Kong (宅社區的反社會行為及社會解組﹕香港的空間多層研究)
YAU, Y. (PI) & LO, D. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/21 → 31/03/23
Project: Grant Research
East Asian Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities
XIONG, W. (PI), MOK, K. H. J. (CoI) & YE, H. (CoI)
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Grant Research
MOK, K. H. J. (PI) & LEUNG, W. N. A. (CoPI)
15/09/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Professional Projects (including Consultancy)
United Board Fellows Program Impact Study: A Comprehensive Evaluation
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), XIONG, W. (CoI), KANG, Y. (CoI) & NEUBAUER, D. E. (CoI)
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
1/09/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Contract Research
Health Literacy, Social Capital and Health-related Quality of Life among Older Persons in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Study
AMOAH, P. A. (PI), TANG, M. Y. V. (CoI) & PHILLIPS, D. R. (CoI)
16/01/20 → 15/01/22
Project: Grant Research
Changing Living Arrangement of Young Adults in Hong Kong over the Last 25 years: A Time-trend analysis of Census Data
16/01/20 → 15/08/20
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Individual-level Income Poverty and Deprivation as Predictors of Health. A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Hong Kong
CHUNG, Y. N. R. (PI), GORDON, D. (CoI), LAU, K. W. M. (CoI), WONG, H. (CoI) & WONG, S.Y.-S. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Non-LU Projects
File -
(Non-LU) Complex housing tenure and residential relocation: the case of the Hong Kong SAR
LI, S. M. (PI) & DU, H. H. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/03/21
Project: Non-LU Projects
Making Smart Neighbourhoods
LAU, K. W. M. (PI) & WANG, W. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 30/09/20
Project: Grant Research
(Non-LU) Culture, language competence and mental health literacy: A qualitative study
LEUNG, A. Y. M. (PI), LAI, D. W. L. (CoPI), AMOAH, P. A. (CoI) & CHAN, K. (CoI)
1/12/19 → 31/05/21
Project: Non-LU Projects
Expanding Hong Kong People's Space: Promoting cross-border employment and entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area
HUANG, G. (PI) & CHEUNG, O. W. J. (CoI)
15/06/19 → 14/06/22
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
Series of Opinion Surveys on Hong Kong Citizens' Perceptions and Evaluations on Development Opportunities and Challenges in the Greater Bay Area in China
HUANG, G. (PI), MOK, K. H. J. (CoI), JIANG, J. (CoI), LI, X. (CoI), WANG, Z. (CoI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI), FORREST, R. (CoI) & ZHOU, W. (CoI)
LU Research Committee, South China University of Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University
8/04/19 → 7/01/21
Project: Grant Research
The Massification of Higher Education and Changing Labour Markets in Urban China: A Pilot Study of Graduate Employment from 2003 to 2015
1/03/19 → 31/05/20
Project: Grant Research
LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project
MOK, K. H. J. (PI), WONG, M. L. (CoI), CHAN, C. K. D. (CoI), HO, W. R. (CoI), WONG, H. K. A. (CoI) & WEN, Z. V. (CoI)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
21/01/19 → 20/10/22
Project: Grant Research
Promoting the Well-being of Children and Young People in Hong Kong
KÜHNER, S. (PI), AMOAH, P. A. (CoI), FORREST, R. (CoI), HAN, X. (CoI), JIANG, J. (CoI), LAU, K. W. M. (CoI) & WEN, Z. V. (CoI)
11/06/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Other Knowledge Transfer
The cognition and evaluation of Hong Kong residents on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
MOK, K. H. J. (PI)
9/06/18 → 9/06/19
Project: Contract Research
"All by Myself?" - A study on the situations of singles in two Chinese cities (全靠我自己? - 有關兩個中國城市中單身人士狀況的研究)
CHAN, H. N. A. (PI), GROVES, J. M. (CoI) & JIANG, J. (CoI)
Research Grants Council (HKSAR)
1/01/18 → 30/06/20
Project: Grant Research
Trends and Implications of Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong: A Multi-disciplinary and Longitudinal Study (LU Part)
WONG, H. (PI), BRADSHAW, J. (CoI), CHEN, J.-K. (CoI), CHUNG, Y. N. R. (CoI), GORDON, D. (CoI), GRIFFITHS, S. M. (CoI), HUANG, B. (CoI), LAU, C. H. J. (CoI), LAU, K. W. M. (CoI), LEE, W. Y. J. (CoI), MOK, K. H. J. (CoI), PANTAZIS, C. (CoI), SAUNDERS, P. (CoI), WONG, M. (CoI) & WONG, S.Y.-S. (CoI)
Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (HKSAR)
1/04/12 → 30/03/17
Project: Grant Research