也斯的五〇年代 : 香港文學與文化論集

也斯, 黄淑嫻 (Editor), 宋子江 (Editor), 沈海燕 (Editor), 鄭政恆 (Editor)

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Editor)Researchpeer-review


「一九五○年代香港文學與文化」是梁秉鈞教授(筆名也斯)生前最後一個大型的研究項目,《也斯的五○年代──香港文學與文化論集》一書可見其累積的研究成果,為香港文化研究帶來新的方向、新的啟發。 本書的討論焦點為五○年代的香港文化,探討香港文學和電影、都市文化、文化身份等重要課題,當中收集了梁教授生前寫下的重要論文,他從文學與電影兩大範疇,綜合討論了香港都市文化的歷史與特色,又從傳承與轉化的角度看五○年代香港文學,仔細討論了宋淇、馬朗、桑簡流、曹聚仁、葉靈鳳、李維陵等人的文學作品。本書特別收錄梁教授研探四○年代及六○年代小說的論文,以突出五○年代的香港文化,在歷史發展過程中轉折的發展、獨特的意義。 <eng> The 1950s Hong Kong Literature and Culture project was the last research project of Prof. Leung Ping Kwan, in collaboration with Dr. Wong Shuk Han and Prof. Lau Yin Ping. The research critically studied Hong Kong literature and arts in the context of the 1950s from a comparative perspective. This collection of essays covers important topics of 1950s Hong Kong culture, including the relationship between Hong Kong literature and cinema, urban culture, and cultural identity. Starting from film and literature, Leung discusses the multi-layered cultural relationship of 1950s Hong Kong culture in connection with traditional Chinese culture, May Fourth Culture, and foreign cultures. A milestone in the study of Hong Kong culture, this collection is an important monograph of the writer at the end of his distinguished career.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages260
ISBN (Print)9789888236497
Publication statusPublished - May 2013

Publication series


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