以「忠實」為目標的應用翻譯學 : 中國譯論傳統初探 : An applied discipline obsessed with “loyalty” : on the Chinese tradition of translation studies

    Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)


    近兩三年來,許多學者就我國翻譯研究的過去、現狀和今後的發展方向等問題發表了自己的看法。雖然意見紛転,但大多数人似乎有 一點共識,就是既肯定已取得的成就,又承認借鑑外國經驗的必要性 (穆雷,1995;許釣,1997;董史良,1997)。本文擬再次參與這場討論,探究我國譯論傳統的本質和局限性,並比較中西譯學的異同。

    Translation studies have been flourishing in China since the early 1980s, hut they have inherited the traditional approach, which sees the establishment of translation criteria and the provision of guidelines for translators to fulfil these criteria as the ultimate aim of translation theory. It is an applied discipline in nature, obsessed with the concept of “loyalty”. This traditionalist's view has moreover led to a bias towards the prescriptive linguistic school in the introduction of Western translation theories, and has been reinforced by the latter.

    There is ample evidence, however, that translators do not always adhere to their originals. Certain descriptive theories originating in the West have shown that the behaviour of translation is overdetermined by a number of socio-cultural factors in the target polysystem. The problem with the Chinese brand of applied translation studies is that they fail to give a truthful account of all translational phenomena.

    It is suggested therefore that the influence of cultural tradition, ideology and power relations on translation and translation studies must be recognized and investigated for the healthy development of the applied branch of the discipline.
    Original languageChinese
    Pages (from-to)29-41
    Number of pages13
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 1998

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