儿童文学翻译中互动性的语域再现 : 以吉卜林《原来如此的故事》三个中译本为例

Translated title of the contribution: The Manifestation of the Interactive Register Feature in the Translation of Children’s Literature: A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Versions of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


本文以吉卜林经典儿童文学作品《原来如此的故事》(Just So Stories)为例,探讨儿童文学的语域特征——互动性。本文首先分析了互动性与该书语域的关联,进而分析其在称呼语、语气和口语体等语言层面的体现。最后再从这三个方面比较三个中译本如何再现原文的互动性语域特征。笔者认为互动性是儿童文学的一大语域特征,将其再现对于儿童文学翻译尤为重要。为此,译者可化身原作者创作时的社会角色、模仿他的叙述口吻、效仿吉卜林给儿童大声朗读等方式,来重现原文的互动性。在这种真实的阅读环境中,译者能更好地与儿童“互动”。

This paper investigates the interactive register feature of children’s literature based on Kipling’s Just So Stories. It first examines how interaction is embodied in the book’s register, especially in terms of linguistic features such as vocatives, tones, and colloquialism, based on which it then compares three Chinese versions. It is argued that interaction is an important register feature of children’s literature and it is essential for translators to reproduce it in translation. The translators can imitate the social role and tone of the author, and they can also read the translation aloud to children, by which they can better interact with them.
Translated title of the contributionThe Manifestation of the Interactive Register Feature in the Translation of Children’s Literature: A Comparative Study of Three Chinese Versions of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)89-100
Number of pages12
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2019, Hunan Normal University Press. All rights reserved.


  • 儿童文学翻译
  • 语域
  • 互动性
  • 《原来如此的故事》
  • translation of children’s literature
  • register
  • interaction
  • Just So Stories


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