
Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


本文考索駢文發展史上馮衍其人的作用和意義,身為馮奉世曾孫,馮衍在前後漢之際,經歷了從顯赫到屯蹇的人生落差,他閉門不出,潛心結撰文章,憑藉經史學養,開創麗辭與用事相結合的文章樣式,實為駢文之先驅。而且,馮衍忠於劉漢,他的某些文章切合後漢“宣漢”之需要,可以為“宣漢”張目;受其影響,諸如傳世的隗囂等文章,雖然署竇融、馬援和班彪之名,卻均可視作同題擬作,乃後漢“宣漢”工程之組成部分。<eng>This article examines the role and significance of Feng Yan 馮衍 (ca. 20 B.C.E.-ca. 60) in the development of parallel prose (pianwen 駢文). As a great-grandson of Feng Fengshi 馮奉世 (d. 40 B.C.E.), Feng Yan experienced life at both its heights and depths, from living illustriously to being impoverished during the transition from Western Han to Eastern Han. He became a recluse and spent his time focused on writing. With his profound cultivation in classics and history, he created a literary style with the combination of refined diction and allusion, which actually pioneered pianwen. In addition, Feng Yan was loyal to the Han dynasty. Some of his writings matched and strengthened the needs of “Han promotion” (“Xuan Han” 宣漢) project. Influenced by his writings, extant works on advising Kui Xiao 隗囂 (d. 33), written by Dou Rong竇融 (16 B.C.E-62), Ma Yuan 馬援 (14 B.C.E.-49), and Ban Biao 班彪 (3-54), could be considered as imitation works on the same topic. This was part of the “Han promotion” project.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)34-43
Number of pages10
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2018


  • 丽辞
  • 用典
  • 论者之文
  • 拟作
  • 冯衍

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