务工经历与返乡农民工收入 : 以中西部7省(市)为例的研究

毛新雅, 魏向东

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


运用中西部地区7省(市)万份农村人口调查数据,将农民按外出务工经历划分为迁移农民工(仍在外出务工)、返乡农民工(不再外出务工),以及从未外出务工过的农民3类群体,以自举法(bootstrap)调整标准误、考虑内生性的模型分析,揭示曾经的外出务工经历对返乡农民工及其家庭收入的影响作用。结果显示,尽管迁移显著提高了农民及其家庭收入,但曾经的外出务工经历对返乡农民工及其家庭收入并没有显著的提升作用;返乡农民工收入高于从未外出务工过的农民,原因在于性别、婚姻以及受教育程度方面的差异,而不在于是否曾有外出务工经历。因此,我们需要促进返乡农民工创业政策落地,鼓励返乡农民工参加农村社会组织,使其曾经的外出务工经验和理念与家乡发展更好融合,对其收入提高和美丽乡村建设发挥应有作用。Taking use of rural population survey data in the mid-west 7 provinces (including a municipality) in China, this article analyzes the impacts of previous migrant experience on farmer income and rural household income by dividing farmers into three sub-group of migrant workers, returning migrants and peasants without any migrant experience. Using bootstrap method to adjust standard errors and two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimation to deal with endogenous issues, this paper discloses that although out- migration significantly improves farmers' and their household income, previous migrant experience has no significant impacts on rural income. What makes the income of returning migrants higher than that of peasants without any out-migrant experience can be the difference of gender, marriage and education between them. It is needed to make more practical policy for returning migrants when they start a business at their rural hometown, and encourage returning migrants to participate in local social organizations to make the migrant experience be more accordance with the development needs of their hometown.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)66-76
Number of pages11
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • 返乡农民工
  • 外出务工
  • 农民收入
  • 中西部地区
  • Return-migration
  • Out-migration
  • Farmer Income
  • Mid-west Region

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