家庭功能发展轨迹类型对初中阶段青少年网络成瘾的影响 : 心理韧性的中介作用

Translated title of the contribution: The Effect of Prototypical Family Functioning Trajectories on Junior High School Students’ Internet Addiction: The Mediating Role of Resilience

王恩娜, 夏梦雅, 屈笛扬, 张俊杰, 梁凯欣, 肖嘉林, 迟新丽

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


為探討家庭功能發展軌跡類型對初中階段青少年網絡成癮的影響,以及心理韌性在二者間的中介作用,本研究采用家庭功能量表、網絡成癮問卷和心理韌性量表對1301名初中生進行為期三年的追蹤研究。結果發現:(1)家庭功能在初中三年間的發展軌跡呈現出四種異質性亞類型:“低家庭功能持續組”(12.5%)、“高家庭功能持續組”(68.5%)、“低家庭功能上升組”(10.1%)和“高家庭功能下降組”(9.0%);(2)“高家庭功能下降組 ”和“低家庭功能持續組”青少年初三時的網絡成癮顯著高于“高家庭功能持續組”青少年,而“低家庭功能上升組”青少年初三時的網絡成癮水平顯著低于“高家庭功能持續組”;(3)以“高家庭功能持續組”為參照組,初三時的心理韌性顯著中介了“高家庭功能下降組”、“低家庭功能持續組”以及“低家庭功能上升組”對青少年初三時網絡成癮的影響。

This study aims to identify different types of family functioning trajectories during junior high school years, investigate their influence on 9th Grade Internet addiction, and further examine the mediating role of resilience between them. In a sample of 1301 junior high school students, this study assessed these constructs via the Family Functioning Questionnaire, the Internet Addiction Scale and the Psychological Resilience Questionnaire over three years. The results showed that: (1) Four heterogenetic types of family functioning trajectories were identified over the three-year period in junior high school -- "consistently low" (family functioning) group (12. 5%), "consistently high" group (68.5%), "low but increasing" group (10.1%), and "high but decreasing" group (9. 0%); (2) Compared to individuals in the "consistently high" group, the ones in the "high but decreasing" and the "consistently low" groups had significantly higher levels of Internet addiction in 9th Grade, and the ones in the "low but increasing" group had significantly lower levels of Internet addiction in 9th Grade; (3) When using the "consistently high" group as the reference group, individuals’ resilience at 9th Grade significantly mediated the association between family functioning trajectories (specifically in the "high but decreasing", "consistently low", and "low but increasing" groups) and their 9th Grade Internet addition.
Translated title of the contributionThe Effect of Prototypical Family Functioning Trajectories on Junior High School Students’ Internet Addiction: The Mediating Role of Resilience
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)853-864
Number of pages12
Journal心理发展与教育 = Psychological Development and Education
Issue number6
Early online date2 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • 初中生
  • 家庭功能
  • 网络成瘾
  • 心理韧性
  • 纵向研究
  • junior high school students
  • family functioning
  • Internet addiction
  • resilience
  • longitudinal study


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