
蕭愛鈴, 傅大衛, 張正剛, 蕭燕芳

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksConsulting or Contract Research ReportResearch


本書共有三個部份,為你在處理壓力問題時,提供所需要的知識及工具,讓你可以輕鬆地應付各種難題,找出更好的生活方式。 <eng>It is the first DIY Kit in stress management conducted in Hong Kong based on intervention studies in 10 companies in Hong Kong. There are three parts: stress audit, coping methods for work stress, and tips for healthy life style.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages49
ISBN (Print)9789629682811
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

Accompanied with an DVD

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