
鄺龑子, 陳子康, 陳德錦

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Author)peer-review


本書是開創性的研究成果。 自上世紀以來,政治、地理、文化、語音等內外因素,令香港成為傳承古典詩詞的新基地。本書透視廿一世紀香港詩詞的精神面貌及發展狀況,兼具詩學和歷史價值。書中扼要敘述香港詩詞百多年來的歷程,並以2000至2014年出版的個人詩詞集為析論重心,透過具體實例審視傳承的長短得失,探討發展的美學路向,以前瞻性的視角,提出新世紀的詩詞需植根於當代時空,提煉出清雅的新語言,將「古典」的精神和氣韻跟「現代」的內涵和情趣結合,使之開花結果於未來。 納入析論範圍的香港古典詩人涵蓋不同輩分,具有廣泛代表性。選析的詩篇盡可能平衡各種因素:作品的內在素質;內容及風格的代表性;反映生活的時代性;帶出當今韻律及詩詞美學課題的關聯性;融會古今詩思與情韻的代表性等等。本書兼重美學與歷史分析,透過探討今日詩詞的內涵、形式及語言美學,重新建立實踐的詩學原則,為今後的詩詞寫作導向。 <eng> This trailblazing book breaks new research ground with a triple perspective: historical, critical, and aesthetic. First, it offers the first comprehensive sketch of the historical evolution of Hong Kong classical poetry from its 19th-century beginnings to the present; this sketch transcends local significance in that Hong Kong, for intrinsic plus extrinsic reasons, became arguably the most fertile ground for classical Chinese poetry in the modern age. Second, the book offers the first critical appraisal of contemporary classical Chinese poetry in Hong Kong on a sustained, meaningful scale. These two aspects enable the book to fill a longstanding gap in any complete history of Hong Kong literature, which parochially ignores the existence of classical poetry. Third, the book marks the first systematic exploration of future Chinese poetics, pointing out conventional pitfalls in praxis despite a resonant call for ‘modernisation’, articulating guiding principles needed to enhance the vitality of classical Chinese poetry as it evolves into the new century—principles based on sound linguistic, prosodic and aesthetic logic.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages471
ISBN (Print)9789888572632
Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2019

Bibliographical note



  • Hong Kong classical Chinese poetry
  • future Chinese poetics
  • Chinese prosody
  • history of Hong Kong literature
  • foreign language in Chinese poetry

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