
Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


夏綸(1680 -1753年以後)有《惺齋五種曲》和後來編入新作《花萼吟》而成的《新曲六種》。夏綸六十歲編寫傳奇,標榜戲曲「教化」,作品專寫忠孝節義;他自言:《無瑕璧》表忠,《杏花村》教孝,《瑞筠圖》、《廣寒梯》勸節勸義。《南陽樂》既「補恨」又顯揚正義。除《南陽樂》三易稿,其餘劇作於短短四年間完成。夏綸的六種劇作全部備有徐夢元的評點。本文嘗試從時代環境和戲曲發展的脈絡探索「戲曲教化」重現清代社會的原因,方法是將夏綸置在一個較寬大的詮釋系統中討論,其中包括夏綸可能閱讀的和詮釋的史料和傳聞以及他對當時社會文化環境和教化劇寫作氣氛的觀察,以及他用傳奇反映出來的面貌,再及於當代人對他劇作的詮釋。在詮釋系統的整體意義說來,評點者徐夢元舉足輕重,本文逐用《無瑕璧》集中討論由夏綸「編」、徐夢元「評」展示出來的面貌,進一步用作品的主體精神和「中國悲劇」的關係探討「編」「評」兩者對人物悲劇遭遇的詮釋,並且希望通過觀察夏綸在詮釋歷史、時代和「評」者在詮釋劇作的互動中,找出「中國悲劇」新的理解觀點。

<eng>Xia Lun (1680-1753) is the author of "FiveTypes of Operas of Xing Zhai" 惺齋五種曲and "Six Types of New Operas"新曲六種.His works are  focused on such topics as loyalty, filial piety, chastity and righteousness. This paper attempts to explore the writing of didactic drama  in the Qing Dynasty. It discusses the plays of Xia Lun in the interpretation system including historical materials and legends that Xia Lun might have read and interpreted, as well as his observations on the sociocultural environment . We use the play "Flawless Jade" to discuss the features written by Xia Lun and comments written by Xu Mengyuan. We further use the subject matter of his works to figure out the relationships between"Chinese Tragedy" and the tragic experience of characters. This paper tries to provide a new viewpoint of understanding "Chinese Tragedy" through the 

interpretation by Xia Lun, as well as the appreciation and comments by the readers in the Qing Dynasty.

Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)43-72
Number of pages30
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014


  • 戲曲教化
  • 詮釋
  • 《無瑕璧》
  • 悲劇
  • didactic drama
  • interpretation
  • Flawless Jade
  • tragedy

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