
Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


正如論者所說,《占雲氣書》一類占書源流有自,與古代讖絳的關係至為密切。筆者紬繹現存各種絳書,發現上述占辭確實脫胎於絳書,其基本觀念與漢儒象數及災異說一脈相承。而且,漢儒有關自然物象之比興說,以及唐詩(如李白詩)之取象,也充分體現了類似的思想。今愚所論,旨在徵引各種典籍,闡述上述《占雲氣書》占辭的含意,亦藉以考見漢儒《易》學、《詩》學與絳書間的共通之處。 In this article, the author compares the incomplete Dunhuang manuscript of Zhan yun qi shu占雲氣書 (Cloud divination) with Weishu 絳書 and concludes that they have the same philosophical character. To wit, their theoretical bases are the yin-yang, the five elements, and the idea of a correspondence between man and nature. Cloud divination belongs to the broader Han-era theory of auspicious and disastrous signs, in which clouds and thunder play an important part. As is widely known, the characters siang 象 in Yi jing 易經 (The change classic) and xing 興 in Shi jing 詩經 (The poetry classic) are similar in that they convey meaning through images. Instead of expressing their emotions directly, Chinese poets always use images, or more precisely metaphoric symbols. As the Han annotators of Shi jing and Chu ci stated, the meaning of clouds and thunder in these books went well beyond their natural and visual qualities. As the author of this article shows, connotations associated with xing and xiang were closely related to those of cloud divination.
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)162-189
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007

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