文化冷戰 : “道德重整運動”的意識形態整合 (1948-1979)

Translated title of the contribution: Cultural Cold War : the Ideological Integration of the Moral Rearmament Movement (1948-1979)

陳學然, 張志翔

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


上世紀東西方兩大陣營的冷戰期間,美國雖然以自由、民主對抗共產陣營, 但在意識形態層面則比共產主義陣營遜色。由是,“道德重整運動”這種被稱作具有超越性的政治宗教便應世而生, 成為推動者口中的“超級意識形態” 。它的出現, 最主要的目的便是用以對抗共產主義、改造世界, 實現符合美國國家安全利益為前提的世界和平。這場運動希望能夠統合世界的各種思潮, 甚至整合共產陣營, 把共產主義者轉化為反共先鋒, 最終消滅共產主義。它成為了冷戰時期美國爭取人心的工具與手段, 在向全球播散的過程中協助美國在全球建立文化及政治霸權。在具體做法上,是在意識形態戰爭上先按序“整合歐洲”,之後再“整合亞洲”,然後便是“整合紅色中國”。本文共有四個重點: 第一, 論述美國的冷戰策略與“道德重整運動”的關係;第二, 論述它整合歐洲及整合亞洲的模式與策略;第三, 論述它整合東亞各地區思想同一性的目的。它為了抗衡“紅色中國”向外擴張, 在與美國及“紅色中國” 都有密切而微妙關係的日本、香港建立起發展力量, 各種活動與思想改造的文宣由這兩個地方向東亞以至東南亞一帶輸送。第四, 道德重整運動在今天雖已難復昔日的興盛局面, 但它在歐美及亞洲不少地區仍在運作, 它昔日如何輔翼美國開展其全球文化政治活動的經過, 對我們重新了解舊文化冷戰的歷史脈絡有一定的裨益。

During the Cold War the United States trumpeted freedom and democracy to oppose the communist camp. Yet, its appeal to many newly independent countries paled in comparison to that of communism. As a result, a political-religion called Transcendence, which was espoused by the "Moral Re-armament Movement", emerged as a "super-ideology". United States policymakers promoted the "Moral Rearmament Movement" to fight communism, transform the world, and achieve world peace while promoting American interests. Aimed at unifying the various trends of thought worldwide, the movement also aimed to convert communists into anti-communist vanguards, thus eventually eliminating communism. It became a tool for the United States to win people's hearts and minds, and made it possible for the United States to establish cultural and political hegemony. United States planners envisaged ideological warfare as a three-step process: they had to first "integrate Europe", then "integrate Asia", before finally "integrating Red China". This paper has four key points: first, it discusses the relationship between the US Cold War strategy and the "Moral Re-armament Movement". Second, it discusses its model and strategy in the integration of Europe and Asia. Third, it discusses its role in integrating the ideologies of East Asia. To contain the influence of "Red China", the "Moral Rearmament Movement" established bases in Japan and Hong Kong, in view of their close relations with the United States and Red China respectively. From these bases, the leadership of the "Moral Rearmament Movement" despatched activists and disseminated propaganda material throughout East Asia. Fourth, although the "Moral Re-armament Movement" is now a mere shadow of its heyday during the 1960s, it is still operating in many parts of the world. In particular, its use by United States policymakers to realize their cultural and political agendas can enable us to better understand the historical context of the cultural Cold War.
Translated title of the contributionCultural Cold War : the Ideological Integration of the Moral Rearmament Movement (1948-1979)
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)270-293
Number of pages24
Journal南國學術 : 澳門大學學報
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2023


  • 道德重整運動
  • 文化冷戰
  • 意識形態整合
  • 歐美
  • 東亞
  • “紅色中國”
  • 香港
  • the Moral Re-armament Movement
  • the cultural cold war
  • ideological integration
  • Europe and America
  • East Asia
  • Red China
  • Hong Kong


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