早期五言詩新探 : 節奏、句式、結構、詩境 : A New Exploration of Early Pentasyllabic Poetry: Rhythms, Syntax, Structures, and Visions

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


五言詩的詞彙較之四言詩有何變化?五言上二下三節奏引進了哪些四言體無 法承載的新句式?這些新的句式如何拓寬「指事造形,窮情寫物」的範圍和開闢 藝術構思的新途徑?新的藝術構思方式催生了什麼新的詩歌結構紋理,煥發出什 麼新詩境?為了尋找這些問題的答案,筆者將借鑑傳統詩學和現代語言學理論, 使用量化統計、溯源對比、審美細讀等方法,對早期五言詩代表作〈古詩十九 首〉(下稱〈十九首〉)的詞彙、節奏、句法、結構紋理進行深入分析,力圖揭示 各種不同詩境生成的獨特方式。同時,筆者還試圖將本文的分析結果與古人對〈十九首〉詩境的直觀描述相聯繫,使兩者互為闡釋,相得益彰,以求推動五言 詩藝術的研究從「知其然」走向「知其所以然」,從而把傳統印象式評述提升為 一種系統的理論闡釋。

This article seeks answers to a series of questions crucial to our understanding of Chinese pentasyllabic poetry. What new vocabulary dominates pentasyllabic poetry but is scarcely employed in earlier tetrasyllabic poetry? What new syntactic constructions co- exist with the unique 2+3 rhythm of pentasyllabic poetry? How do these new syntactic constructions broaden the scope of external depiction and emotional expression? How do they enable a new mode of artistic creation and give rise to new poetic structures and textures? How do all these formal innovations help to bring forth new poetic visions?
In addressing these questions, the author draws from both traditional Chinese poetics and modern linguistic theories in a broad array of critical ways (quantitative data analysis, comparative source studies, close reading, etc.) to study the “Nineteen Old Poems,” the most representative body of early pentasyllabic poetry. The analytical findings are presented along with the intuitive remarks made by traditional Chinese critics, in the hope of bringing the two into mutual illumination and elevating the studies from impressive criticism to systematic theoretical analysis.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)1-56
Number of pages56
Journal中國文哲研究集刊 = Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2014

Bibliographical note

本文的研究和撰寫得到香港研究資助局優配研究金的資助,項目編號 LU13400014。


  • 五言詩節奏
  • 五言詩句式
  • 五言詩結構
  • 〈古詩十九首〉
  • 《詩經》句式
  • rhythm of pentasyllabic poetry
  • syntax of pentasyllabic poetry
  • structure of pentasyllabic poetry
  • “Ninteen Old Poems”
  • syntax of Book of Poetry

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