
Translated title of the contribution: Progress in high-throughput materials synthesis and characterization

王海舟*, 汪洪, 丁洪, 项晓东, 向勇, 张晓琨

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


经过40 年的发展,材料高通量制备与表征技术已取得了较大的进展,并被证明可有效地加速材料研发-应用进程,因此被列为材料基因组计划的三大技术要素之一。本文简要回顾材料高通量实验技术的发展历程,阐述高通量实验在材料基因组技术中的地位与作用,系统介绍一系列有代表性的高通量制备与表征技术,并指出一些高通量实验方法的应用局限。对未来面临的挑战与发展趋势进行了分析展望,重点介绍基于同步辐射、散裂中子源等大科学装置以及基于材料非均匀性本质的原位统计映射表征解析等发展新一代材料原位实时高通量制备、表征与分析技术的新思路,以期为中国材料基因组技术的跨越式发展提供参考。

Over the last 40 years, high throughput experimentation has been demonstrated to be an effective approach to generate huge amount of material data in a short period of time, and it is now considered a key element of Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) to fulfill its promise to deliver materials of emerging importance with much faster paces and lower costs. In this article, the briefly history for high throughput materials synthesis and characterization is recalled. A series of representative techniques are reviewed, their limitations are identified, and the challenges and future trends are analyzed. In perspective, a facility consisting of in-situ real time materials processing, characterization and analysis based on synchrotron light sources or spallation neutron sources, as well as the original position statistic reflecting mapping technology for non-uniform materials are likely to play important role in the future generation high throughput material experimentation.
Translated title of the contributionProgress in high-throughput materials synthesis and characterization
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)31-49
Number of pages19
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • 高通量实验
  • 高通量表征
  • 材料基因组
  • 同步辐射
  • 中子源
  • 统计映射
  • high throughput experimentation
  • high throughput characterization
  • materials genomics
  • synchrotron
  • spallation neutron source
  • statistic reflecting mapping


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