
Translated title of the contribution: Tokyo daughters

葉月瑜, 何曉芙

    Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


    《咖啡時光》把小津/侯孝賢這對導演與電影奠基的傳奇之父盧米耶兄弟(Lumiere Brothers)配在一起,片名可理解為“映照下的咖啡館”。這個片名不僅僅是個人經驗的指涉也是跨文化的雙關隱喻,更提供了對於階段性歷史的回顧與綺想。本文將直接檢視文本來指出其相連性,對應性與跨代對話的狀態,試著理解侯孝賢交織於《咖啡時光》中日本女性生活的中日文化政治與電影歷史。透過追尋《咖啡時光》中的敘事時間,陽子平凡的日常生活不僅是揭露一個年輕女性對認識東京的渴望,也提供進入侯孝賢對於電影與歷史的重新審視。

    Café Lumiere pairs the Ozu/Hou doublet with the Lumiere brothers, the legendary founding fathers of cinema. Café Lumiere, coffee shop under light, is more than a handy reference to a personal experience and an intercultural wordplay. It is also a historical conceit that offers a look back on historical phases. This paper takes a direct approach to note the textual correlatives, parallels and inter-generational echoes, to reach an understanding of Hou’s design in interweaving the life of a Tokyo woman with the history of cinema and Sino-Japanese cultural politics. By tracing the diegetic time of Café Lumiere, we find that Yoko’s “uneventful” daily activities not only reveal epistemological clues of a young woman’s desire in Tokyo, they also offer points of entry into Hou’s revision of cinema and history.
    Translated title of the contributionTokyo daughters
    Original languageChinese
    Pages (from-to)45-59
    Number of pages15
    Journal電影欣賞學刊 = Film Appreciation Academic Journal
    Issue number1/2
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013

    Bibliographical note

    此文亦輯於林文淇、沈曉茵、李振亞 (編著) (編者) (2015),《戲夢時光 : 侯孝賢電影的城市、歷史、美學》。台北 : 財團法人國家電影中心。


    • Café Lumiere
    • Hou Hsiao-Hsien
    • Jiang Wen-Ye
    • Tokyo Twilight
    • Yasujiro Ozu
    • 侯孝賢
    • 咖啡時光
    • 小津安二郎
    • 東京暮色
    • 江文也


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