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楊伯峻曾言:「《春秋》經傳,禮制最難。」《春秋左傳注》為楊先生傾注心力所在,乃今人研究《春秋》、《左傳》的重要參考書。就禮學而言,此書著力吸收歷代《春秋》、《左傳》禮制的研究成果,同時結合甲骨文、金文及考古實物考證禮制,提出新解,可謂成績斐然。惟大醇不免小疵,書中禮說仍不乏可以商榷之處。本書對楊書關涉禮制的注文作一通盤性、系統性的研究,建構楊先生《春秋》、《左傳》禮學,並針對注中疑處一○二條,引據傳世文獻,旁參考古發現,為之斠正,藉完善楊注開拓《左傳》以至禮學研究的新領域。<eng>The Zuozhuan provides an annual account of important events in the various feudal states of China for the period 722-468 B.C., also known as the Spring and Autumn period. While Zuozhuan entries focus primarily on political, diplomatic and military affairs, they also contain considerable information on rituals concerning marriages, funeral, sacrifices, military arrangements, and court and complimentary visits. Descriptions of rituals and etiquettes in Three Books of Rites and other ancient Chinese texts often find concrete illustrations in Zuozhuan passages.The ritual elements in the Zuozhuan have, in fact, engaged the energies of many scholars and annotations ever since the Han period (202 B.C.-220 A.D.). One outstanding master was Yang Bo-jun, who painstakingly compiled a voluminous modern commentary on the Zuozhuan and compared the conventional scholarship of previous scholars with archaeological findings such as oracle bone and bronze inscriptions. In his monumental work, the Chunqiu Zuozhuan Zhu (Commentary on Chunqiu and Zuozhuan), Yang surpassed his predecessors by formulating many original ideas. Since its first publication in 1981, the total number of publications of Yang’s work had amounted to 134,000 volumes in early 2018, which is without doubt the most influential and authoritative annotated commentary of Chunqiu and Zuozhuan of all time.Although Yang’s book is of great ingenuity and undoubtedly earns its place in Chinese ritual studies, it suffers from a number of shortcomings. In various instances, Yang failed to consult primary sources, but over-relied on erroneous early commentaries instead. He missed several important scholarly contributions and did not fully utilize the latest archaeological findings. This book queries Yang’s interpretations of certain ancient rituals appropriately and attempts to conduct a thorough examination of Yang’s arguments in order to screen out his inconsistent and erroneous views. It results significantly to the literature.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages645
ISBN (Print)9789888488551
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2017

Publication series


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