歷史與地方的重探 : 新聞寫作課的課程設計與服務研習


Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


本文以「新聞寫作」課作為討論的核心,該課於2016-2017年度首次結合服務研習(Service-Learning),嘗試將課堂中習得的人物採訪、專題寫作的專業知識,與社會相關的服務研習結合,為學生提供現實生活的環境,實踐所學,進而回饋社會。學生能深化學習,同時思考、瞭解學科知識與社會的不同關係。課程上亦有特別的安排,加入工作坊、外訪、實地考查等部分,與恆常的課程甚為不同。本文以「社區、高等教育、服務夥伴關係計劃」(community-higher education-service partnerships program)與「學術服務研習」(academic service-learning)的理論作為研究框架,從「合作伙伴」與「學術」方面,審視「新寫服研計劃」的完整性。本文從服務、教學目標與課程成果三方面,評核計劃的多樣性、完整性和影響性。2017-2018學年,「新寫服研計劃」進行相同的服務研習活動,逐漸與社區、服務提供者建立長期的合作關係,轉換成持續的定點服務與建立彼此互信的關係。「新寫服研計劃」的模式已延伸到海外,於2017-2018學年的暑期舉辦「國際服務研習」,進行移地的服務研習。

This paper mainly discusses the course of "News Writing", which has incorporated Service-Learning into the course for the first time this year. The course aimed to combine students' knowledge of exclusive interview, special topics writing learnt from class with Service-Learning, and to allow students to practice and apply the theories they have learnt to real life situation in order to contribute to the society. Students can also understand the correlation between academic knowledge and the society. Therefore, the course has incorporated various workshops, visits and field trip that are quite different from the usual course design. This paper examines the integrity of the "News-Writing Service Learning Program" from the perspective of "partners" and "academics" by using the theory of "community-higher education-service partnerships program" and "academic service-learning" as the research framework. This paper is going to assess the diversity, integrity and impact of the program from three aspects: service, teaching objectives and course outcomes. In the 2017/18 academic year, the "News-Writing Service Learning Program" has carried out the same service learning activities and established long-term cooperative relationships with the community and service providers. It gradually transformed into continuous fixed-point services and established a relationship of mutual trust with different parties. The "News-Writing Service Learning" model has been extended overseas, and the "International Service Learning Tour" was held during the summer of the 2017/18 academic year.
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)54-83
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2019


  • 服務研習
  • 新聞寫作
  • 長者
  • 社區
  • 香港
  • Service-learning
  • News writing
  • Elderly
  • Community
  • Hong Kong

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