汉魏晋五言诗的演变 : 四種诗歌模式与自我呈现

Translated title of the contribution: The matrix of lyric transformation : poetic modes and self-presentation in early Chinese pentasyllabic poetry

蔡宗齐, 陈婧 (Translator)

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Author)peer-review


本书系统地考察五言诗在汉乐府、汉古诗、曹植 (192-232) 和阮籍 (210-263) 作品中的发展,阐明这四组五言作品中主题、形式、文体的转变,并将这些转变置于四种重要诗歌模式 (戏剧模式、叙述模式、抒情模式、象征模式) 的发展进程中加以考察;同时,探索诗歌演变的内在机制,展示诗人们如何改变现存诗歌模式,不断地拓宽和深化自我呈现,同时又揭示诗人自我呈现的努力在何种程度上受到社会政治背景、读者、诗歌传统诸外在因素的影响。
Translated title of the contributionThe matrix of lyric transformation : poetic modes and self-presentation in early Chinese pentasyllabic poetry
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Place of Publication北京
Number of pages240
ISBN (Print)9787301257852
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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