港式中文 "因应" 语法化过程研究

Translated title of the contribution: Gramaticalization of "Yinying" in Hong Kong Chinese

刘鸿雁, 马毛朋

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


通用中文的 “因应”是动词,港式中文的 “因应”可用作介词。这一用法承自早期现代汉语。港式中文 “因应”从动词发展出介词用法的历程,与汉语介词语法化的一般机制和过程是一致的。语体色彩和使用频率的差异是 “因应”这一古汉语词在通用中文和港式中文形成不同发展路径的原因。由于 “因应”常常出现在句首,引出句子的话题,受 “因为”等的类推作用影响,进一步变成了连词。类似的词语还有 “面对”“针对”等。

The word "Yinying" is a verb in general Chinese, but can be used as a preposition in Hong Kong Chinese, which is the inheritance of the usage from early modern Chinese. The evolution of "Yinying" from verb to preposition in Hong Kong Chinese consists with the common course and mechanism of grammaticalization. The difference of style and frequency of use of "Yinying" in general Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese led to two distinctive evolutional paths of the word in the two Chinese varieties.
Translated title of the contributionGramaticalization of "Yinying" in Hong Kong Chinese
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)18-23
Journal北华大学学报 (社会科学版)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020


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