

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


五四以来新文学的文学批评中,"作家风格流派批评"主要兴盛于上世纪20年代。30年代开始出现的"社团组织党派文学批评",可分为"对外批评"、"内部论争"与"自上而下"三种不同文体,各有其不同的写作策略、历史语境和文风特点。三者之间的演变融和转化过程,直接参与并制约了中国现当代文学的发展进程。"学院文学批评",只有在80年代才对当代文学有直接影响。网络时代的泛商业批评则对各类文学批评传统,都提出了严峻的挑战。In the development of modern Chinese literary criticism since the MayFourth movement, the Stylistic criticism firstly flourished in the 1920s.Partisan criticism organized by the left-wing groups appeared in the 1930s,dividing into three different types known as “Criticism of the Others,”“Internal Debate” as well as “Top-down Style”. They differed in their historicalcontexts, writing styles and strategies. Their evolution, integration andtransformation deeply influenced the development of modern and contemporaryChinese literature. It was until the 1980s that the Academic-style literarycriticism which developed in the 1940s, had a direct impact on contemporaryChinese literature. In the Internet Age, many new types of criticism whichbased on different ideological and commercial manipulation have aroused andposed a big challenge to the tradition of literary criticism.

Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)6-13
Number of pages8
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • 作家风格流派批评
  • 社团组织党派批评
  • 对外批评
  • 内部论争
  • 自上而下”的文学批评
  • 学院文学批评
  • stylistic criticism
  • partisan criticism
  • criticism of the others
  • internal debate
  • top-down approach
  • academic-style literary criticism

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