痛苦中有歡樂的時代 : 五〇年代香港文化

梁秉鈞, 劉靖之, 蒲鋒, 黃志華, 何思穎, 李世莊, 余少華, 羅淑敏, 鄭政恆

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Editor)Researchpeer-review


The 1950s Hong Kong Literature and Culture project was the last research project of Prof. Leung Ping Kwan, in collaboration with Dr. Wong Shuk Han and Prof. Lau Yin Ping. The research critically studied Hong Kong literature and arts in the context of the 1950s from a comparative perspective. This book includes eight critical articles from eight authors in different academic fields. By discussing literature, film, music, and paintings, the book showcases a panoramic view of 1950s Hong Kong culture.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages204
ISBN (Print)9789888263424
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2013

Publication series


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