翻譯與政治 : 剪不斷,理還亂 : 談 "李啟純"翻譯《百獸圖》

Translated title of the contribution: Translation and politics : on Li Qichun's translation of Animal farm

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


Animal Farm is a masterpiece of political satire by George Orwell, and its first Chinese translation was done by "Li Qichun", which, according to some documents, is the pen name of Liang Shiqiu. This paper analyzes the characteristics of this translation, and, taking the historical background into consideration, investigates the stance and motive of "Li Qichun" when he translates this story, and explores the factors which lead to the characteristics of this version and the reasons why Liang does not use his real name to translate. The study indicates that this translation is the outcome of certain historical period; and, being both consistent and contradictory to Liang’s views on literature and politics, it reflects the intricate and complex relationship between translation and politics.
Translated title of the contributionTranslation and politics : on Li Qichun's translation of Animal farm
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)23-62
Number of pages40
Journal翻譯季刊 = Translation Quarterly
Issue number43
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2007
Externally publishedYes


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