老有所終? 香港中年市民的退休準備

Translated title of the contribution: Successful ageing? Pre-retirement planning among middle-aged Hong Kong residents

羅榮健, 陳膺強, 尹寶珊

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


In spite of the fact that pre-retirement planning has received increased attention from western gerontologists, it is still a recent research agenda of elderly research in Hong Kong. Our survey of 488 middle-aged Hong Kong residents found that the majority of the respondents were quite unprepared for their retirement. Among the 16 items of pre-retirement planning, only one item, i.e., persons to live with, was prepared slightly more than half of the respondents. Consequently, most respondents admitted that they were not well prepared for their retirement. Research findings also indicated that most respondents tended to concentrate on financial and health planning. The type and amount of pre-retirement planning were affected by respondents' socio-economic background, such as marital status, gender, income and educational levels.
Translated title of the contributionSuccessful ageing? Pre-retirement planning among middle-aged Hong Kong residents
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)29-43
Number of pages15
JournalHong Kong Journal of Gerontology = 香港老年學報
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 1999


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