「腐臭爛」中的真善美 : 《伍倫全備》新議

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


邱濬的《伍倫全備》,是明代第一部由身居要職的士大夫寫成的戲曲。由於說教為重,一直得不到戲曲藝術評論家的好評。但這部戲曲的思想內容與宋明理學的關係很密切。宋明理學重視道德的完成,正心誠意的實現。《伍倫全備》正是透過戲曲形式,利用劇場的特殊功能來表現這些理學觀念。此外,同時見於邱濬學術著述如《大學衍義補》、《世史正綱》、《朱子學的》的思想亦為《伍倫全備》的創作體旨。《大學衍義補》是一部專論治國平天下的著作,實用性很高。《世史正綱》專明正統,嚴華夷之分,立君臣之義,原父子之心。《伍倫全備》的中心精神亦建基於此。此劇不談風說月,只求實用,達到德教目的。其創作動機和背景也特殊:他嘗試拉近本來囿於學術廟堂的經學大義和人民大眾的距離,讓民眾也有機會接受教育。本文除舉出以上特色外,將用辯證方法多方面探討《伍倫全備》主題精神,以及編寫得失、語言優劣、迴響大小以及價值高低等問題。 Qiu Jun’s邱濬 Wulun quanbei伍倫全備 was the first zhuanqi傳奇 drama ever written by a high-ranking Ming scholar-official. Due to its heavy didacticism, it has never received any favorable critical attention. The play’s thematic structure has a great deal to do with the philosophical underpinnings of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, which places a high premium on moral perfection and the realization of cheng誠 as a moral imperative. Wulun quanbei deserves our attention precisely because it has made effective use of the form of lyrical drama and the properties of the stage as an evangelic vehicle to promote these ethical absolutes. The present essay will discuss the moralistic aspects of Wulun quanbei along with its formal features.
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)297-327
Number of pages31
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2000

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