

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


本文尝试从人仙恋作为白日梦的角度入手, 分析这类恋情乃现实生活中, 人类因精神、物质上的种种欠缺所作的幻想;在托幻中寻求补偿和满足, 以平衡失重的心理。战乱相寻、尘世纷扰, 因而有仙乡的追求。人类对年老、死亡的焦虑及畏惧, 亦凝结为对不死的企盼。在仙恋、仙婚中, 更有一类包含启悟元素之作。在这类篇章中, 主人公因仙侣的引导, 去除品格上某些劣根或习性, 得仙人“ 度脱” 成仙。除了精神上的启悟外, 人仙恋亦能满足主人公在物质生活上的匮乏。 This paper approaches the love affairs between human beings and supernatural beings from the angle of daydreaming.It is of opinion that human beings cherished the pleasing illusions of love affairs with supernatural beings as a compensation or a psychological balance for various spiritual or material wants in real life.War_torn hometowns or worldly affairs drove people into pursuit of a fairyland,and anxiety about aging or fear of death also invited their expectation for longevity.Still,there were some,enlightened by supernatural companions,rid themselves of their deep_rooted bad habits to attain mental sublimation and obtain salvation.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)86-96
Number of pages11
Journal汕头大学学报 (人文社会科学版)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002

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