
Translated title of the contribution: A study of So Man-jok's (1921-1997) unpublished manuscripts on the Ritual Classics

郭鵬飛, 許子濱

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


蘇文擢先生國學深醇,其學融合義理、考據、辭章,於禮學尤爲深邃。現存 蘇公經學著作主要收録於《經詁拾存》。發表於《中國語文研究》的《經詁拾 存》,包括《爾雅》之部及《禮記》之部,各有十三條及十八條。蘇公治經之微言 精義,粲然可觀。筆者藏有蘇公經詁寫本複印本十餘條。此部分經詁,除《九 州變置》外,有《三禮》經詁十四條。此等經詁,採用傳統條目札記體式,無不針 對《三禮》文本的疑難處,廣綜舊帙,參酌群言,推尋研覈,斷以己意。其識見之 卓著、論證之謹嚴,並不遜色於乾嘉學人。加上用雅醇的古文寫成,短小精悍, 堪與清人説禮佳構相媲美。本文以《追享朝享申先鄭義》、《庫門天子皋門雉門天子應門解》兩條爲例,整理蘇公這部分經詁,既校對寫本的文字、引文,亦爲之疏通證明,將香港本地經學家放在經學傳承的脈絡中來考察,藉此窺探蘇公的治禮路徑及其成就,彰顯他在經學發展上的地位。
<eng>Prof. So Man-jok ( 1921—1997) ( respectfully addressed as So Gong) was one of the most prominent erudite Hong Kong scholars. So Gong specialized in the study of the Confucian Cannons and philosophies of the early masters in the pre- imperial period. His academic achievements and contribution to teaching on the Classics has exerted a great influence on the local intellectual circle. Unlike his publications on literary studies that can be easily accessed, many of his notes on the ritual classics are unpublished handwritten manuscripts. The present paper is the first attempt of its kind to study two of So Gong's notes regarding the nature of the sacrificial rites of Zhuixiang (追享) and Zhaoxiang (朝享) as well as the number of gates of the imperial court. It finds that So Gong had formulated many original ideas on studying these controversial topics. So Gong's views surpassed his predecessors particularly the Qing scholars and thus can undoubtedly earn his place in the context of academic history.
Translated title of the contributionA study of So Man-jok's (1921-1997) unpublished manuscripts on the Ritual Classics
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)379-405
Number of pages27
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


  • 蘇文擢
  • 禮學
  • 追享
  • 朝享
  • 庫門
  • 皋門
  • 雉門
  • 應門
  • So Man-jok
  • Ritual Classics
  • Zhuixiang
  • Gates of Imperial Court
  • Zhaoxiang


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