記憶與淡忘 : 1960 年代香港電影與戰爭經驗 = 기억과망각 : 1960년대 홍콩 영화와 전쟁 경험

黃淑嫻, 김정구 (Translator)

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


在1949年前後,無數中國人從內地走難到香港、台灣及東南亞各地,這一段歷史改寫了不少個人命運,同時為華人社會開啟了新的局面,帶來更大的也或文化差異。中日戰爭是二十世紀中國人慘痛的創傷,我們如何把這段經驗記下来? 在1949年後的日子中,對於中日戰爭的態度,中港台三地有不一樣的取向。日本作為侵略國,中國對於日本的態度自然是負面的,迼種仇日情緒在中國的民間社會現時還不時湧現。一直以來,中日在政治上亦經常處於對抗的立場,尤其在戰爭歷史的書寫和釣魚臺主權的問題上。近日由中國發起的新經濟中心亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(亞投行),日本亦拒絕參加,表示不支持中國成為亞洲盟主。然而,另一方面,台灣從1895年受日本統治,直至194為止轉由國民黨注管。經歷了五十年的日治時期,現在回看, 台灣對卞這個外來的殖民者,没有表現出仇恨的態度,在不少文學與電影中, 我們反而處處看到台灣人對過往日子的憶念。

Around 1949, many Chinese from Mainland China fled to Hong Kong, Taiwan and other cities in South-east Asia. They struggled for a new life in foreign places, and this opened up a new era for many Chinese cities. This generation of Chinese had generally experienced the WWII and especially the invasion of the Japanese army. In the 1950s, the memory of war was still very vivid in their mind. Looking at the Hong Kong films of the 1950s, we could see that the representation of Japanese was carefully portrayed so as not to arouse the collective hatred. Yet, this paper argues, the representation of Japanese had eventually changed in the 1960s Hong Kong cinema with the new generation of audience came to stage and the commercialization of Hong Kong cinema.
Original languageMultiple languages
Pages (from-to)101-116
Number of pages16
Journal유관순연구 = Yugwansun Research
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2015
Event光復70週年暨柳寬順國際研討會 - Baekseok University, Cheonan, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 6 Nov 20156 Nov 2015

Bibliographical note

Chinese; Korean


  • The memory of war
  • Hong Kong 1960s
  • Hong Kong Cinema

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