

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


《崔煒》出自裴鉶《傳奇》,寫崔煒得鮑姑艾,從而踏上一段神奇旅程。專研此小說之文不多,胡中山《裴鉶的道教情懷與<傳奇>的宣教傾向》,有涉及《崔煒》棲心道門的道教意義之論。張升森《淺談唐代裴鉶<傳奇>中的婚姻戀愛類作品》,將《崔煒》放在人鬼戀類別中討論。湯克勤《崔煒:最早有關客家先民的小說》,探討篇中所涉客家先民、宗教及習俗。黃瑩《中越古代小說越井傳與崔煒之比較》,則以比較角度,探討受《崔煒》影響而產生的《越井傳》。《崔煒》一文描述崔煒兩人墓穴,一為任囂墓,一為越王墓。我們可從墓穴之旅的召喚、歷險及恩賜,分析主人公的冒險試鍊。篇中涉及的獨腳神,有可能是宋代以來所指的五通。《崔煒》有關五通和人犧的記載頗具價值,宜作深入探討。 <eng> The tale of Cui Wei fellows Cui Wei;s journey to the tomb of Ren Yue and the tomb of the king of Yue after obtaining some mugwort, a fantastic cure for wart, from an immortal named Bao Gu. This article analyses his journey from the perspective of the call of adventure, the trials he underwent and the eternal blessing he received in the end. One important point of interest in the Tale of Cui Wei is the description given on the One Legged Deity that may be an earlier form of the One Legged Wutong, so called since in the Song Dynasty. The valuable information on this deity and the practice of human sacrifice in the Tale of Cui Wei makes it an important primary source for the study of Deity Wutong.
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)529-543
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013

Bibliographical note

ISBN: 9787301236673

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