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打开经典,有一种“年轻”叫沧桑,有一种“新青年”叫民国范儿,我们新文学的“新声”《狂人日记》如今一百年了……新的!旧的!更新的!文学的国语!国语的文学!这一路,现代中国文学探出的每一步,背后已是星斗可见,而又跋山涉水的史诗历程。 人可以消失,但“人的文学”,探讨人性的更深层,会留下来。 本书源于许子东在香港岭南大学中文系的经典课堂实录,融会了几十年的积累,将来可扩展为一部相对完整的中国现代文学简史。 鲁迅是一座山,后面很多作家都是山,被这座最高的山的影子遮盖了;但张爱玲是一条河。这一堂堂现代文学课,囊括“五四”起源、各家流派,以及小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧,共12讲,可见鲁迅的“反省”、郭沫若的“创造”、茅盾的“矛盾”、巴金的“年轻”、老舍的“命运”、曹禺的“影响”、郁达夫的“苦闷”、丁玲的“扑火”、沈从文的“反潮流而动”、张爱玲的“无家可归”等等,文学承担民族—国家寓言。 课堂实录的金句与神来之笔,化为小字旁批,约有160余条,大珠小珠,与正文相映成趣。另增11份许子东开列的进阶书单、10位文学巨匠的创作谈、1条中国现代文学时间轴,以及260多个详注,帮助打开民国时期的文学地图,打通更多的知识关联,更新认知视野。 <eng> CHI2105 “Modern Chinese Literature” is a compulsory course in the Department of Chinese at Lingnan University. Professor Xu Zidong teaches the course almost every year. From September to December 2016, the lectures were broadcast live online by Tencent News to the world. So far more than one million viewers have watched the lectures online. The book Xu Zidong’s Modern Literature Course was published by the influential academic publishing group Imaginist in 2018. Readers can watch the videos online by scanning the QR code printed on the back cover of the book.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Place of Publication上海
Number of pages425
ISBN (Print)9787542662583
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018

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