越界筑路 : 侣伦的《蓬门碧玉》及早期香港电影文学的改编

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsBook ChapterResearchpeer-review


1942年公映的香港粤语电影《蓬门碧玉》,改编自香港著名小说家侣伦的短篇小说。侣伦不光是电影的原著作者,也是电影的编剧。值得注意的是,侣伦的原著小说本身亦是从外国名著改编过来。对于《蓬门碧玉》的这种多重性改编,本文主要讨论侣伦作为编剧如何把自己的小说改编成为电影,侣伦作为原作者如何改编外国名著,呈现香港文化的多元性。<Eng>Lu Lun was one of the first local Hong Kong writers. He was very popular in the 1930s and 1940s. One of his well-known short stories “The Rich House” was adapted into Hong Kong cinema in 1942. Lu Lun himself was also the scriptwriter of the film. Interestingly, Lu Lun’s short story was further adapted from a western classic “La Dame aux camellias”. This article studies the multi-layered adaptation of the film and discuss how local identity was formed through the adaptation.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Title of host publication文学与图像
Editors 赵宪章, 顾华明
Place of Publication南京
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)9787549906079
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015


  • 香港文学与电影
  • 改编
  • 侣伦

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