问答体 :《庄子》成篇结构和思辨模式的新视角

Translated title of the contribution: Questions and Answers: A New Perspective on the Structure and Speculative Mode of Zhuangzi

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


问答之体在《庄子》诸篇随处可见,是《庄子》语言和文体的一大特色。在诸子争锋的时代背景下,从问答体这一文体视角重新审视《庄子》之产生,可知其与楚文化中流行两人一问一答、说大说小之大小言辩有关; 在问答体视角下,探讨庄周、惠施之间的争论渐入哲学思辨之境地,更可见论辩双方旗鼓相当之态势和见解之卓绝。关注问答体,对深入了解《庄子》以及庄子学,颇有助益。

The question-and-answer style can be seen everywhere in Zhuangzi and is a major feature of the language and style of Zhuangzi. The creation of Zhuangzi was unique because of the question-and-answer style, which was related to the popular dialogue between two people in the Chu culture and the debate between the big talk and the small talk at the Warring States period when hundreds schools of thought were contending. The perspective of the question-and-answer style helps us to see that Zhuang Zhou and Hui Shi were well matched in their philosophical argument and were presenting outstanding views. Research on the question-and-answer style is very helpful for a deeper understanding of Zhuangzi and the studies of Zhuangzi.
Translated title of the contributionQuestions and Answers: A New Perspective on the Structure and Speculative Mode of Zhuangzi
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)190-204
Number of pages15
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2021


  • 《庄子》
  • 问答体
  • 惠施
  • 思辨
  • 《庄子·天下》
  • 墨家
  • Zhuangzi
  • the qestion-and-answer style
  • Hui Shi
  • speculation
  • Zhuangzi the World
  • Mohist School


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