非价格策略与消费者购买行为 : 以会员积分制为例: Non-price strategy and consumers' purchase behavior : evidence from a frequency reward program

肖俊极*, 李国栋

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


会员积分制是目前零售业普遍采用的一种非价格竞争策略,其对于销售的作用也日渐受到经济学的普遍关注。本文通过采用大连市某一知名大型购物中心会员购买记录的扫描数据,对会员积分制的实际效果进行实证研究,结果表明积分能够对消费者的购买行为产生显著影响。积分弹性及交叉积分弹性表明,一种商品的积分促销不仅增加本商品的需求量,而且对其他商品的销售存在正外部性。积分促销可以起到与价格促销同样的作用 ; 本文进一步得出积分与价格相互替代性的大小,为厂商在两种策略的权衡使用上提供参考。

A frequency reward program is one of non-price competition strategies that are prevalent among retailing firms nowadays. We attempt to find out its influences on consumers' purchase behaviors. By using scanner data of consumers' purchase records from a big shopping mall located in Dalian, Northeast China, we find that reward points can influence consumers' purchase significantly. Reward point elasticities and cross reward point elasticities reveal that reward point promotion can not only increase the demand of the goods under promotion, but also enhance the demand for its related categories. Reward point promotion can be a substitute instrument for price promotion.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)1435-1454
Number of pages20
Journal经济学 (季刊) = China Economic Quarterly
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2009
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note



  • 非价格策略
  • 价格弹性
  • 积分弹性

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