
劉智鵬 (Editor), 劉蜀永 (Editor)

Research output: Scholarly Books | Reports | Literary WorksBook (Editor)Researchpeer-review


屯門早於唐代已被載入史冊,作為海上絲綢之路的其中一個中繼點,在中外交通歷史中舉足輕重。1973年,屯門正式成為新市鎮,卻變成港九居民眼中發展滯後的山區荒地。現今,屯門已是香港新界西北部的核心社區,掌握鄰近內地的地理優勢,加速發展。本書以不同主題分章敘述屯門從古到今的發展,考證屯門歷史、名勝遺跡、與辛亥革命的淵源、達德學院的風波、屏山機場計劃始末,以及屯門新市鎮的發展,令讀者對屯門有更深一層的認識和感受。Tuen Mun, this large northwestern district of Hong Kong, was noted in Chinese historical records as far back as the Tang dynasty (618-907). It was considered a major node of the maritime Silk Road with great importance in the history of contacts between China and the outside world. In 1973, Tuen Mun was officially established as a new town but yet, it was largely seen as a mountainous wasteland of backwards development in the eyes of the residents of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Now, Tuen Mun has become a core region in the northwestern part of Hong Kong’s New Territories. Its proximity to Mainland China gives it a geographical advantage, and on that basis, its development had greatly accelerated recently.This book expounds on the history of Tuen Mun in a series of thematic chapters. It delves into the old history of the region, prominent historical sites and relics, the origin of the Xinhai Revolution, controversy over the Ta The Institute, as well as the development of the new town of Tuen Mun in recent years.
Original languageChinese
Place of Publication香港
Number of pages176
ISBN (Print)9789620431470
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series


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