香港市民對「樂齡科技」的認識與態度 : 問卷調查結果 = Hong Kong Citizens’ Awareness and Attitude towards “Gerontechnology”


Research output: Other contributionOther outputsResearch



A recent study entitled Hong Kong Citizens’ Awareness and Attitude towards “Gerontechnology” by the LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project of Lingnan University (LU) finds that most respondents are optimistic about gerontechnology’s applications, but they consider the Government does not provide adequate financial support for the public to purchase gerontech products. They would also like the Government to expand the scope of the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme (EHV Scheme) for the purchase of gerontech products, and to expand research and development.
Original languageChinese
TypeSurvey Findings Presentation
Media of outputVideo
PublisherLingnan University
Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2020

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