香港当代"大散文"浅论 : 以二十世纪六十年代前后的散文为例

Translated title of the contribution: A Talk on Contemporary Hong Kong "Great Prose" : Representative Works around the 1960s


Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


文章从大散文的角度, 选评 20世纪 60年代四位香港作家 :司马长风 、叶灵凤、黄蒙田 、思果, 并以其创作反映这阶段香港散文的创作情况 。文章指出上述作家的创作内容丰富 、成就显著, 表现了大散文多样化的特征, 对80年代以后的散文创作有重要的启示作用。

This paper discusses Hong Kong prose writing in the 1960s from the perspective of "Great Prose". Texts are drawn from four writers, namely Sima Changfeng, Ye Linfeng, Huang Mengtian and Si Guo, whose works not only represent the variety of "GreatProse" but also the achievement of Hong Kong prose-writing of this period, a landmark of writing in and after the1980s.
Translated title of the contributionA Talk on Contemporary Hong Kong "Great Prose" : Representative Works around the 1960s
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)89-95
Journal海南师范学院学报 (人文社会科学版)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • 大散文
  • 知性
  • 感性
  • 美文


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