20世纪初香港中文报纸连载的翻译文学 : 以《香港华字日报》(1904-1909) 为例

Translated title of the contribution: Serialized Literary Translation of Chinese Newspapers in China’s Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Chinese Mail (1904—1909)

Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review


20 世纪初见证了中文报纸与连载翻译文学的兴盛与流行。本文首先介绍了报纸翻译兴起的社会文化动因,包括印刷技术的进步和香港人口的剧增;然后对《香港华字日报》1904—1909 年连载的翻译文学作品进行了考古式发掘,发现该报连载的翻译文学作品主要是西方侦探小说;同时,报纸连载翻译文学作品在空间与时间上呈现出独特之处,如特殊的版面设计、连载时间长、为适应连载而进行的翻译改写,以及沪港两地在报刊翻译出版上的文化互动等。研究发现,报纸连载形式延长和扩展了翻译侦探小说的阅读时空,有助于推动报纸的流通和阅读。

The early 20th century witnessed the boom of Chinese newspapers and the serialized literary translations in these newspapers merit due academic attention. This paper starts with a brief description of the social-cultural background for translations in China’s Hong Kong, such as the technological advancement and the demographic increase before moving onto translation archaeology on the serialized literary translations in one of the earliest and the most long-lasting Chinese newspapers in China’s Hong Kong, The Chinese Mail, between 1904 and 1909. With the majority of the translation being foreign detective stories, the study looks at the temporal-spatial specificities of these renditions, focusing on the print layout design, the multiple serialization instalments over long time span, the rewriting to fit in the serialization, and the cultural interaction between Hong Kong and Shanghai in the early 20th century. The study shows that the serialization of translated detective fictions prolonged the reading experience and facilitated the newspaper circulation and consumption as well.
Translated title of the contributionSerialized Literary Translation of Chinese Newspapers in China’s Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Chinese Mail (1904—1909)
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)141-153, 208-209
Number of pages15
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

本文系香港大学教育资助委员会研究资助局的杰出青年学者计划项目“20 世纪初香港华文报纸连载的翻译文学”(21601417)和香港城市大学研究项目“香港早期文学期刊翻译文学研究”(CityU11615718)的阶段性成果之一,是在本人英文文章(Li 2019)基础上改写而成,除了增加相关史料,论点也更加集中。


  • 《香港华字日报》
  • 连载翻译文学
  • 侦探小说
  • The Chinese Mail
  • serialized translation
  • detective fictions


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