A principle-based approach to engaging and sustaining teacher and student growth in knowledge building

Carol CHAN, Diane HUI

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Researchpeer-review


In response to a major challenge for inquiry-based model and classroom innovation concerned with the constraints of task- and activity-based approaches, this paper outlines a design-based research for innovation to engage and sustain student and teacher learning and thus growth through a principle-based approach to deep understanding, and creative creation of new and diverse knowledge and solutions in knowledge building. Through a Knowledge Building Teacher Network in Hong Kong, mixed-methods, longitudinal data were collected from focused analyses of eight teachers in the network. Quantitative analyses reported changing patterns of student engagement on Knowledge Forum; and qualitative analyses reflected teachers’ changing understanding and practice of knowledge building inquiry and pedagogy through the principle-based approach, involving principle-activity synergy and dialectics – principles may be scaffolds and indicators for realizing the core ideas of the model while activities and norms help clarify the principles as they are appropriated with varying contexts. Implications of how a principle-based approach may enhance socio-cultural capacity for teacher innovation are considered in an Asian context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2012
EventThe 16th Annual Knowledge Building Summer Institute : Building Cultural Capacity for Innovation - University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Duration: 7 Aug 201210 Aug 2012
https://web.archive.org/web/20170729132824/http://ikit.org/SummerInstitute2012/ (Conference Website )


ConferenceThe 16th Annual Knowledge Building Summer Institute : Building Cultural Capacity for Innovation
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