A Secure and Efficient Renewable Energy Sharing Framework for Distributed Prosumers

Qi AN, Chengzu DONG, Jianhua LI, Frank JIANG

Research output: Book Chapters | Papers in Conference ProceedingsConference paper (refereed)Researchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


A microgrid incorporates renewable energy sources, generating and storing power in a distributed manner. Traditionally, a microgrid can only sell the surplus of energy to the grid at a much lower price, potentially discouraging people from participating in the energy revolution. Enabling direct energy trading among microgrids and consumers improves the return on investment. However, it is challenging to swap transaction information. Thus, we leverage carefully-selected blockchain technologies to tackle the above concern and develop an off-grid energy-sharing framework for prosumers. In detail, a combination of technologies is adopted to design the framework, including permisionless chain, proof of state algorithm, smart contract, lightweight cryptosystem, and Raiden network. Evaluation showcases the benefits and validity of our framework, where a prosumer makes up to 10 times of profits as the conventional trading strategy in the Australian market. Furthermore, security and efficiency are enhanced in comparison to classic solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023
ISBN (Electronic)9798350332117
ISBN (Print)9798350332124
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes
Event2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023 - Male, Maldives
Duration: 11 Mar 202312 Mar 2023


Conference2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 IEEE.


  • Blockchain
  • Electric Vehicle (EV)
  • Energy Trading Strategy
  • Internet of things (IoT)
  • Renewable Energy (RE)


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