A Usage Scenario Independent “Air Chargeable” Flexible Zinc Ion Energy Storage Device

Longtao MA, Yuwei ZHAO, Xixi JI, Jie ZENG, Qi YANG, Ying GUO, Zhaodong HUANG, Xinliang LI, Jie YU, Chunyi ZHI*

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Research output: Journal PublicationsJournal Article (refereed)peer-review

99 Citations (Scopus)


A rationally designed “air chargeable” energy storage device is demonstrated, which can be effectively charged by harvesting pervasive energy from the ambient environment. For an “air chargeable” zinc-ion capacitor system, the system simply consists of a flexible bifunctional “U” shaped electrode (with the functions of energy harvesting and storage), a zinc metal electrode in middle, and two different polyelectrolytes (polyacrylamide and sodium polyacrylate) sandwiched between the zinc metal and “U” shaped electrode. When the zinc-ion capacitor is exhausted, it can be quickly charged to 88% within 10 min by simply opening the sealing tape and allowing the air diffuse in. The capacitor exhausting-air charging processes are repeated 60 times and the whole system works well. When the external power supplier is available, both the zinc-ion capacitor and “air charging” component can be fully recovered. A large capacity (≈1000 mAh) “air chargeable” zinc-vanadium battery is also demonstrated. The zinc-vanadium battery can be fully charged by air in 1 h. This work offers a usage scenario independent reliable self-chargeable power supply system as a promising approach to solve the intermittent and unpredictable nature of currently developed self-chargeable devices.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1900509
JournalAdvanced Energy Materials
Issue number19
Early online date27 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2019
Externally publishedYes


The work was sponsored by the project 2017JY0088 supported by Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province and the Chengdu Research Institute, City University of Hong Kong (9610372). This research was partially supported by GRF under Project N_CityU11305218.


  • air chargeable
  • flexible
  • Zn-ion batteries
  • Zn-ion capacitors


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