Age-friendly City and Community: A Strategy to Promote Productive Ageing and Ageing in Place?

Research output: Other Conference ContributionsConference Paper (other)Other Conference Paper


Every year, the proportion of older people who live in cities rises. The older population is increasing in almost every province in Indonesia. Changing demography and urbanisation affect many older people living in cities. The implications of an increasing number of older people should be considered with respect to facilities and environments that are accessible for them. The present study confirms the critical role of age-friendly neighbourhoods in terms of physical and social environments toward the quality of life of older adults (Tiraphat et al., 2017). Human life expectancy continues to increase in Indonesia along with the growth rate of urban population. It has been projected that in 2025, 67.5% of older people would be living in cities (Statistics Indonesia, 2021). This situation has triggered the need for implementing an age-friendly city for a better future for older people in Indonesia. This research would cover a literature review focusing on finding the link between age-friendly cities and broader theoretical debates in productive ageing. The findings would generate insights for future studies on how age-friendly cities can be used to promote productive aging and ageing in place, which would be beneficial for policymakers and stakeholders who work to implement age-friendly cities in the Indonesian context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2022
EventPostgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning : Rethinking Postgraduate Studies in Post-Pandemic Societies - Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Duration: 1 Apr 20222 Apr 2022


ConferencePostgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning : Rethinking Postgraduate Studies in Post-Pandemic Societies
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address


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